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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for end »
end1, s. 1 a Deireadh m (leabhair, etc.); ceann m (maide, bóthair, etc.) The upper end of the table]], an ceann thuas den bhord. Fb: To change ends, athrú timpeall. The end house of the street, an teach ag bun na sráide. F: He has the right end of the stick, is aige atá ceann éadrom an scéil. To get, have, hold of the wrong end of the stick, ciall chontráilte a bhaint as an scéal. To begin at the wrong end, tosú ag an gceann tuathail. To keep one's end up, an fód a sheasamh. Adv. phrs. End to end, as ceann a chéile. From end to end, ó cheann ceann. On end (i) (Of barrel) ina sheasamh, ar a cheann. S.a. HAIR 1. (ii) Two hours on end, dhá uair a chloig as a chéile. Straight on end, right on end, díreach i ndiaidh a chéile. End on, a d(h)eireadh le ... Nau: (Of ships) To meet end on, bualadh éadan le héadan. S.a. DEAD-END, DEEP I. I, LOOSE1 I. b I.C.E: Big end, ceann ramhar. Small end, ceann caol. c Bun m (crainn, seoil, toitín, coinnle, etc.); ceann (téide). 2 Críoch f, foirceann m. To the ends of the earth, go tíortha in imigéin. 3 Deireadh m (bliana, oibre, tionóil, etc.). We shall never hear the end of the matter, ní bheidh deireadh go brách leis an scéal seo. And there's an end of it! sin é a dheireadh! There's no end to it, níl aon teorainn leis. [To make an end of sth.; to put an end to sth.; to bring sth. to an end], deireadh a chur le rud. To draw to an end, tarraingt ar an deireadh. It has come to an end, tá deireadh leis, tá sé críochnaithe. To be at an end, (i) (of resources) bheith caite, ídithe, spíonta; (ii) (of time) bheith caite, bheith istigh; (iii) (of action) bheith críochnaithe. To be at the end of one's resources, bheith ag an tsálóg. At the end of (the) winter, i ndeireadh an gheimhridh. In the end, faoi dheireadh; i ndeireadh na scríbe. No end of . . ., an-chuimse . . . It'll do you no end of good, rachaidh sé chun tairbhe dhuit go mór. No end of books, leabhair gan áireamh. No end of money, airgead na hairí, na cairn airgid. He thinks no end of her, is dóigh leis gur aisti a éiríos an ghrian; tá meas an domhain aige uirthi. He thinks no end of himself, tá sé ina dhia beag aige féin. To make a good end, bás naofa a fháil. He came to a bad end, rug droch-chríoch air. To meet one's end, bás a fháil. 4 Cuspóir m -a, aidhm f. Private ends, cuspóirí pearsanta. To gain, attain, one's ends, ceann riain a shroichint; d'aidhmeanna a bhaint amach. With this end in view, chun an cuspóir seo a bhaint amach. For, to, this end, chuige sin; leis an intinn sin. To the end that..., chun go ..., i dtreo go . . . To no end, in aisce; gan toradh.
end2 . 1 v.tr. Críochnaím, cuirim deireadh le. It is ended and done with, tá an méad sin thart; tá an méad sin curtha dínn againn. 2 v.i. Críochnaíonn, tagann deireadh le; tagann chun deiridh. All stories end (up) like that, is amhlaidh sin a chríochnaíonn gach scéal. He ended by insulting me, níor stad sé gur thug sé masla dhom. When the period has ended, nuair a bheas an tréimhse istigh, thuas, caite. It ended in smoke, ní raibh ann faoi dheireadh ach gal soip.
It arches at the east end, tá stua sa cheann thoir de.
He will come to a bad end, beidh drochdheireadh air.
(Of ship) On her beam-ends, ina luí ar a taobh.
She was thrown on her beam-ends, caitheadh ar a taobh í.
F: (Of pers.) He is on his beam-ends, tá sé san fhaopach.
Big end bearing, ceanntaca mór.
To beat in the end of a barrel, an t-éadan a stealladh as bairille.
From the beginning to end, ó thús go deireadh, ó thús deireadh.
To the bitter end, go bun an angair.
Cu: (Of beef) Button end, sprochaille f.
By the end of the week, faoi cheann na seachtaine.
He is burning the candle at both ends, tá sé ag dul thar a fhulaingt.
I shall carry on to the end, ní loicfidh mé nó go gcinnfidh sé orm.
To go (in) off the deep end, dul le báiní; dul ar seachrán céille.
To defeat the ends of justice, an ceart a chur ar neamhní.
To direct one's efforts to(wards) an end, dícheall a dhéanamh ar chuspóir a bhaint amach.
(Of the day, etc.) It is drawing to an end, tá sé ag tarraingt chun deiridh.
He is just back from the ends of the earth, tá sé díreach tar éis filleadh ó thíortha in imigéin.
Round-ended, cruinncheannach.
Two-ended, décheannach.
At the extreme end of the pier, ag gob na cé.
At the far end of the street, ag bun na sráide thíos, ag an gceann is faide uaim (uait, etc.) den tsráid.
At the farther end of the room, ag an taobh thall den seomra.
He has the whole business at his fingers' ends, tá an scéal go léir ar deil aige, tá an scéal go léir faoi mar tá an port ag an bpíobaire aige.
Flexional ending, infhilleadh m, foirceann m infhillte.
Free end of a rope, ceann marbh téide.
At the further end of the room, ag an taobh thall den seomra.
It is enough to make your hair stand on end, thógfadh sé an ghruaig de do cheann.
He held out to the end, sheas sé an fód go deireadh.
Journey's end, ceann scríbe.
Man's last end, críoch dhéanach an duine.
Latter end, (i) deireadh m, earr m (tréimhse); (ii) bás m, críoch dhéanach (an duine). latterly, adv.
Loose end of rope, ceann scaoilte téide.
F: To be at a loose end, bheith díomhaoin.
Lower end of the table, an ceann thíos den bhord, bun an bhoird.
Trying to make ends meet, ag iarraidh cuid a chur le costas,
To be near the end, bheith ag tarraingt ar an deireadh.
Odds and ends, fuíoll m agus cunamar m.
To put an end, a stop, to sth., deireadh m a chur le rud.
To put an end to one's life, tú féin a ídiú.
He is at the end of his resources, tá sé i ndeireadh a acmhainne.
Th: To rush the ending, dlús a chur leis an deireadh.
He came to a sad end, ba bhocht an deireadh a bhí air.
Scrag(-end) of mutton, scroig chaoireola.
(Of project) It ended in smoke, ní raibh ann ach gal soip.
He will come to a sticky end, beidh droch-chríoch air.
Const: Stopped end, ceann le balla.
Turf: To come in at the tail-end, teacht isteach ar deireadh thiar.
The story ends tamely, tá deireadh leamh ar an scéal.
He is at the end of his tether, tá sé i ndeireadh na péice, na preibe.
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