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náir could be a grammatical form of: ár »
I was ashamed of it, bhí náire orm as.
I felt ashamed, tháinig náire orm.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself, ba chóir duit náire a bheith ort.
He wasn't in the least ashamed, ní raibh cás ná náire air.
The shame which attaches to a crime, an náire a shiúlas le coir.
To blush for shame, lasadh le náire.
I blush for you, tá tú ag cur náire orm.
He cast off all sense of shame, chaill sé, shéan sé, an náire.
Crying shame, náire shaolta.
He is a disgrace to his family, cúis náire dá mhuintir é.
To bring dishonour on the family, náire a thabhairt don mhuintir.
To his everlasting disparagement he signed the decree, thuill sé náire shíoraí de bharr a ainm a chur leis an ordú.
I can never look him in the face again, ní ligfidh an náire dom féachaint idir an dá shúil air go deo arís.
Fie (upon you)! briost thú! mo náire thú!
For you to back out now would be a disgrace, ba mhór an náire é, tú a éirí as anois.
He had the grace to be ashamed, bhí de chneastacht ann náire a bheith air.
I did not know where to hide my head, ní thabharfainn deoir fhola le náire.
Don't wash your dirty linen in public, ná lig do náire le na comharsana.
He is lost to all sense of shame, níl aon rian den náire fanta ann.
F: I was mortified, ní thabharfainn deoir fhola le náire.
He was held up to public obloquy, tugadh náire dhó os comhair an tsaoil.
To be a reproach to . . ., bheith ina ábhar náire ag . . .
To put s.o. to shame, náire duine a thabhairt; duine a náiriú.
Shame on you! mo náire thú!
All the more shame to you, is móide do náire é.
For shame! bíodh náire ionat! faire! faire!
He is lost to all (sense of) shame, níl ciall ar bith do náire aige.
It was a shame of you, ba mhór an náire duit é.
It is a shame to laugh at him, is mór an náire bheith ag magadh faoi.
It’s a (great) shame, is mór an náire, an scannal, é.
I was shamed into doing it, ní ligfeadh an náire dom gan a dhéanamh.
He is easily shocked, is beag an rud a chuireas náire air.
He swallowed his pride, d'ól sé deoch ar a náire.
I am thoroughly ashamed of you! mo náire dhearg thú!
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