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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for nose »
nose1, s. 1 (Of pers.) Srón f, gaosán m; F: smut m, caincín m; (of animals) soc m; (of dog) srón f. A hooked nose, cromóg f. To speak through the nose, labhairt tríd an tsrón. F: The parsons nose, geadán m, prompa m (circe). I did it under his (very) nose, rinne é os coinne a dhá shúl. He pokes his nose into everything, cuireann a ladar i ngach uile scéal. He made a long nose at me, chuir ordóg lena shrón liom. She leads him by the nose, ar teaghrán aici. 2 Boladh m, srón f. Dog with a good nose, madra atá maith ag cur bolaidh, a bhfuil an tsrón go maith aige. 3 Tchn: Soc m, gob m (báid, inneonach, piléir).
nose2 . 1 v.tr. Cuirim boladh (ruda). 2 v.i. To nose at sth., bheith ag bolaireacht ar rud. To nose about, (a)round, bheith ag sróiníneacht, ag póirseáil, thart. The ship nosed through the fog, bhí an soitheach ag mágaíocht tríd an gceo; bhí an long ag meabhrú a slí roimpi sa cheo.
Aquiline nose, cromóg f.
An arched nose, cromóg f, srón chruiteach.
Bibulous nose, srón f pótaire.
He is bleeding at the nose, his nose is bleeding, ag cur fuil sróine, fuil sróine leis.
Bleeding at the nose, fuil sróine.
Av: To (nose) dive, socthumadh.
Flat nose, srón leathan, leacaithe, smut m.
To follow one's nose, imeacht caol díreach romhat.
F: To keep one's nose to the grindstone, do dhá cheann a bheith i dtalamh agat; an taos a choimeád leis an oigheann i gcónaí.
F: She leads him by the nose, ar teaghrán aici.
F: To nose out a secret, dul amach ar rún; rún a chur amach.
To nose s.o. out, duine a shiortú; duine a aimsiú.
Red-nosed, sróndearg.
Snub-nosed, geancach.
To keep an airship nose on to the wind, bád aeir a choinneáil agus a soc sa ghaoth.
F: To pay through the nose for sth., a dhá luach a thabhairt ar rud.
He made me pay through the nose, shaill .
Pope's nose, prompa m.
Prominent nose, graidhp f de shrón.
Roman nose, cromóg f (shróna).
Ruby nose, sróin chíríneach.
His nose was running, he was running at the nose, bhí sileadh lena shrón.
Snub nose, geanc m.
A snub-nosed person, geancachán m.
My nose is stuffed up, mo shrón stoptha.
His nose and ears suggested a rabbit, thabharfadh a shrón agus a chluasa coinín i do cheann.
The man, the donkey, the woman, the nose, the river, an fear, an t-asal, an bhean, an tsrón, an abhainn.
He speaks through his nose, caochshrónach.
Turned-up nose, srón gheancach.
F: He turned up his nose at it, chuir cor ina shrón chuige.
To wipe one's nose, do shrón a ghlanadh.
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