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I actually found the door open! an é do bharúil nach raibh an doras oscailte romham!
The door blew open, chuir an ghaoth an doras isteach.
To break open a door, a lock, doras, glas, a bhriseadh.
To burst open a door, comhla a ghreadadh isteach, amach.
To open the door to abuses, caoi mhaith a thabhairt do lucht droch-chleachtaidh.
To open the door to a settlement, bealach a réiteach chun socraithe.
The door flew open, leath an doras de phreab.
Just when the door was opening, go díreach nuair a bhí an doras á oscailt.
He left the door open, d'fhág sé an doras ar oscailt.
To push the door open, an doras a oscailt romhat.
To half open the door, faonoscailt a thabhairt ar an doras.
Door that opens into the garden, doras amach chun an ghairdín.
To open a door from the outside, doras a oscailt taobh amuigh.
To pry a door open, doras a dhingeadh ar oscailt.
To smash the door open, an doras a bhriseadh, a phleancadh, isteach.
To throw open the door, an doras a leathadh.
To wedge a door open, teannta a chur le doras á choinneáil ar oscailt.
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