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Similar words: paca · pócar · póma · póna · próca
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Inside breast-pocket, póca ascaille.
To be out of cash, a bheith ar phócaí folamha; F: a bheith feidheartha.
He delved into his pocket, rinne sé púitseáil ina phóca.
He was feeling in his pocket for it, bhí sé ag saibhseáil ina phóca á lorg.
Well-filled pockets, pócaí teanna.
Pocket handkerchief, ciarsúr póca; naipcín m póca.
To be hard up (for money), bheith ar phócaí folamha; bheith scagáilte.
Pen-knife, pocket-knife, scian phóca.
Pocket lamp, tóirse m póca.
Pocket lens, gloine f phóca.
The light-fingered gentry, lucht pócaí a phiocadh; lucht mionbhradaíola.
The money was loose in his pocket, bhí an t-airgead caite ina phóca.
To pick pockets, pócaí a spochadh, a phiocadh.
Tail: Poacher-pocket, póca fiaigh.
Trouser-pocket, póca m bríste.
To have empty pockets, bheith ar phócaí folamha; a bheith spurtha.
Pocket edition, eagrán póca.
Phot: Pocket camera, ceamara póca,
F: He produced a book from his pocket, bhain sé leabhar as a phóca.
To rummage in one's pockets, púitseáil i do phócaí.
To run over s.o.'s pockets, pócaí duine a chuardach.
He slid his hand into my pocket, chaolaigh sé a lámh isteach i mo póca.
He is always spending, tá an lámh ina phóca ar fad aige.
Stick it in your pocket, sac síos i do phóca é.
Take your hands out of your pockets, bain do lámha as do phócaí.
F: To go through s.o.'s pockets, pócaí duine a chuardach, a ransáil.
He thrust his hands into his pockets, bhuail sé a dhá láimh síos ina phócaí.
She twisted (up) her handkerchief, chrap sí, chorn sí, a naipcín póca.
Vest-pocket camera, mioncheamara póca.
He whipped the revolver out of his pocket, rop sé an gunnán aníos as a phóca.
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