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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for set-in » and set in »
set in, v.i. Tosaíonn. Before winter sets in, sula mbeidh sé ina gheimhreadh. A reaction is setting in against him, táthar tosaithe ar iompú ina aghaidh.
To set sth. down in black and white, rud a chur i scríbhinn.
To set sth. in a blaze, rud a chur trí thine.
To set up in business as a grocer, siopa grósaera a chur ar bun.
First set your own house in order, baist do leanbh féin ar dtús.
He was not long in, about, over, setting up a ladder, ní raibh aon mhoill air dréimire a chur ina sheasamh.
To put, set, sth. in motion, rud a chur ag gluaiseacht; rud a chur ar obair.
To set the law in motion, an dlí a chur ar obair.
To set one's house in order, (i) deis a chur ar do theach; (ii) caoi cheart a chur ar do chúrsaí féin.
Set up in twelve-point (body), curtha suas i ndá phointe dhéag.
To set out in pursuit of s.o., imeacht sa tóir ar dhuine.
The rainy season set in, tháinig an fliuchlach.
He set the table in a roar, bhain sé gáire as a raibh ag bord.
A rot set in, tháinig baspairt orthu (na himreoirí, etc.).
Com: Bill drawn in a set of three, bille ina thrí cóipeanna,
We don't move in the same set, ní thaithíonn muid an tréad céanna.
To set a stake in the ground, cuaille a chur, a shá, i dtalamh.
Panes set in lead, pánaí daingnithe le luaidhe.
Mec.E: To set the shaft in its bearings, an seafta a cheartú ar na himthacaí.
F: The tide has set in his favour, tá an sruth leis anois.
To set sth. down in writing, rud a chur i scríbhinn.
They set out in a small boat, siúd chun siúil iad i mbád beag.
To set out in pursuit of s.o., imeacht ar thóir duine, dul sa tóir ar dhuine.
To set s.o. up in business, gnó a bhunú do dhuine; duine a bhunú i ngnó.
To set up in business, dul i gceann gnóthaí.
The thaw is setting in, tá an choscairt air.
F: To set sth. in train, rud a chur ar obair, ar siúl.
You set about it in the wrong way, chuaigh tú ina cheann ar an dóigh chontráilte.
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