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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for shoulder »
shoulder1, s. 1 a Gualainn f. Broad of shoulders, leathanghuailleach. To bring the gun to the shoulder, an gunna a chur le gualainn. To hit straight from the shoulder, buille a bhualadh ón ngualainn amach. F: I let him have it straight from the shoulder, thug mé dó é faoina líon séasúir. He stands head and shoulders over the rest, tá airde an chinn aige ar an gcuid eile. To stand shoulder to shoulder, seasamh gualainn ar ghualainn. F: To put one's shoulder to the wheel, luí isteach ar an obair. S.a. COLD1 1, HEAD1 2, RUB2 1. b Cu: Gualainn (caoireola). Nau: Shoulder of mutton sail, seol m trí choirnéal. c Gualainn (cnoic). 2 Sál f (scine, etc.); gualainn (siséil).
shoulder2, v.tr. 1 Guailleálaim, tugaim gualainn do. He was shouldering his way through the crowd, bhí sé ag guailleáil leis tríd an slua. 2 Cuirim (rud) ar mo ghualainn. To shoulder a gun, gunna a chur le gualainn. To shoulder a load, dul faoi ualach. 3 Mil: Shoulder arms! le gualainn, cuirigí airm!
(Shoulder-) belt, crios gualainne.
I caught him by the shoulder, rug mé ar ghualainn air.
To give s.o. the cold shoulder, an tsúil a dhúnadh ar dhuine.
His shoulder is dislocated, tá a ghualainn amuigh.
His hair fell over his shoulders, bhí a chuid gruaige anuas thar a ghuaillí.
The coat fits well in the shoulders, tá an chasóg crochta go deas as na guaillí.
The bullet grazed his shoulder, scinn an piléar dá ghualainn.
He has a good head on his shoulders, his head is screwed on the right way, tá cloigeann maith air, tá intinn mhaith chúil aige.
He was wounded in the shoulder, loiteadh an ghualainn aige.
The gun kicked my shoulder, phreab an gunna i gcoinne mo ghualainne.
To lay one's hand on s.o.'s shoulder, lámh a leagan ar ghualainn duine.
To nuzzle against s.o.'s shoulder, (of animal) bheith ag sróiníneacht, ag bolaireacht, ar ghualainn duine; (of pers.) neadú isteach le gualainn duine.
Shoulder out (of joint), gualainn as alt, as áit.
With a coat over her shoulders, agus cóta aniar thar a guaillí aici.
She scarcely reaches up to your shoulder, ar éigean atá sí ag gabháil go gualainn ort.
Round shoulders, cromshlinneáin mpl.
F: To rub shoulders with other people, dul i gcuibhreann le daoine eile.
To sling sth. over one's shoulder, rud a chrochadh aniar thar do ghualainn.
Sloping shoulders, guaille buidéil, silte.
Slouch of the shoulders, forchruit f.
Vet: To splay a horse's shoulder, gualainn capaill a chur as alt.
Square shoulders, guaillí leathana.
He threw back his shoulders, bhain sé croitheadh siar as na slinneáin.
Shoulder to shoulder, gualainn ar ghualainn.
To touch s.o. on the shoulder, lámh a leagan ar ghualainn duine.
He was wounded in the shoulder, goineadh sa ghualainn é.
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