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~ na láimhe, na huillinne, na glúine, na gualainne, wrist-, elbow-, knee-, shoulder-, joint.
Tá a ghualainn ~, his shoulder is dislocated.
Cuir casóg ~ thar do shlinneáin, pull a coat over your shoulders.
Ar mo ghualainn, at my shoulder.
Go h~ a ghualainne, to the top of his shoulder.
~ slinneáin, shoulder-blade.
aniar) ar do shlinneáin é, throw it over your shoulders.
Bíonn ceann ~ ar an óige, you cannot put an old head on young shoulders.
~ gualainne, shoulder-knot.
Is deacair ceann críonna a chur ar cholainn óg, you can’t put an old head on young shoulders.
~ srathrach, shoulder of straddle.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, he thrust out his shoulder.
~ gualainne, shoulder-belt, baldric.
~ thar do ghualainn é, hang it over your shoulder.
Chroith sé a ghuaillí, he shook, shrugged, his shoulders.
Slinneáin chroma, stooped shoulders.
~ cinn, gualainne, géige, the bending of a head, of a shoulder, of a bough.
Chuimil sé liom ar an aonach, he rubbed shoulders with me at the fair.
~ do lámh tharam, put your arm round my shoulders.
Tá seacht gcúraimí an tsaoil air, he is carrying the world on his shoulders.
Chroch mé de mo ghualainn é, I suspended it from my shoulder.
ghuaillí é, fix it over your shoulders.
~ slinneán, bad set of shoulders.
De dhroim a ghualainne, over his shoulder.
~ a bheith ort, to be hunchbacked; to have one’s shoulders hunched.
Go ~í fear, to men’s shoulders.
Coinnigh le d’ucht is le d’fhormna é, hold it against your chest and shoulder.
Níl sí ach ag ~áil go gualainn air, she only reaches to his shoulder.
a dhá ghualann, the hollow between his shoulders.
Chuaigh sé go gualainn orm, it reached to my shoulder.
~eadh le piléar, sa ghualainn, é, he was wounded by a bullet, in the shoulder.
Rug sé ~ gualainne orm, he caught me by the shoulder.
Ag ~ a chéile, shouldering one another.
Bhí sé ag ~ tríd an slua, he was shouldering his way through the crowd.
1. Rud a chur ar do ghualainn, to place sth. on one’s shoulder.
Caith thar do ghualainn é, throw, sling, it over your shoulder.
Airm a chur le ~, to shoulder arms.
Chuir sé an gunna lena ghualainn, he brought the gun to his shoulder.
Caitheamh ón n~, to cast from the shoulder.
Amach óna ghualainn, straight from his shoulder.
Do ghualainn a chur le rud, to set one’s shoulder to sth.
An ghualainn a thabhairt do dhuine, to shoulder, jostle, s.o.
Seasamh ar ghualainn duine, to stand at s.o.’s shoulder, side by side with s.o.
~ ar ghualainn, shoulder to shoulder.
Chuir siad a nguaillí le chéile, they shouldered the burden together, made a combined effort.
Idir an dá ghualainn, between the shoulders.
Féachaint thar do ghualainn, i ndiaidh do ghualainne, to look over one’s shoulder.
Bhí an ceann is na guaillí aige orthu, he stood head and shoulders above them.
2. ~ cnoic, sléibhe, shoulder of hill, of mountain.
~ buidéil, siséil, shoulder of bottle, of chisel.
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