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Similar words: carr · coir · cor · cora · corb
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corr1, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Projecting point; angle, edge. ~ tábla, cathaoireach, corner, edge, of table, of chair. ~ diallaite, pommel of saddle. ~ inneonach, ~ an chip, horn of anvil. ~ srathrach, shoulder of straddle. Bhuail sé a cheann ar chorr na carraige, he struck his head against the projecting edge of the rock. Cloch a chur ar a ~, to lay a stone on its edge, on its narrow end. Chuir sé an bairille ar a chorr, he tilted the barrel. Tá na pinginí ar a g~ aige, he is rolling in the pennies, making money fast. (Of person) Tá sé ar a chorr, he is on the alert. Chuir sé é féin ar a chorr leis, he over-reached himself with it. S.a. daoirse 1. 2. Corr shúgáin, chasta, throw-crook, rope-twister. S.a. cochall 6. 3. ~ cláirsí, neck of harp. (Var:m, gs. ~)
corr2, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Hollow, pit. Uisce coirre, bog-hole water. I g~ mo chroí, deep down in my heart. 2. Rounded hill, hump.
corr3, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~).1. ~ (éisc, ghlas, mhóna, réisc, riasc), (grey) heron. S.a. conáil. 2. Crane, stork. ~ bhán, white stork. 3. ~ leitheadach, spoonbill. 4. ~ (mhara), nestling of gannet. 5. Fig: Long-necked person.
corr4, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~).~ (ghainimh, ghobach, shéanta), sand-eel. ~ charraige, rock-eel. ~ uaine, garfish.
corr5, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. coirre, npl. ~a).1. Odd. (a)Uimhir chorr, odd number. Airgead ~, odd money. Dhá stoca chorra, two odd stockings. An ceann ~, the odd, unmatched, one. (b)Éan ~, (of person) outsider, odd man out. Ná bí ~, don’t be odd, don’t remain outside the company. Bhí sé riamh ~, he was always odd, eccentric. S.a. ceann11 (i), cointinneach. 2. Tapering, pointed. Slat, coinneal, bos, chorr, tapering rod, candle, hand. S.a. míol 1. 3. Round, curved. Mias chorr, rounded dish. Cathair chorr, round fort. Tulacha ~a, rounded, humpy, hills. S.a. cluiche 1(a), coinneal 5.
corr7 = corradh.
corr-6, pref. 1. Odd. (a) Occasional. (b) Eccentric. 2. Tapering, pointed. 3. Angular, projecting. 4. Rounded, curved.
Ar corr, ar fiar, edgeways, askew.
~ corr, forbháis, erratic, perched, block.
corr dó, they taunted him, treated him as odd.
~ corr, rounders.
Coinnle corra, wild hyacinth, bluebell.
Tháinig sé an lá corr ~, he picked a most awkward day to come.
Chonálfadh sé na corra, ‘It would freeze the herons’, it is bitterly cold.
Rud a chur ar a fhad, ar a chorr, to put sth. lengthways, on its edge.
~ corr, outsider, odd man out.
Gheobhaidh tú na ~eacha (agus na pingneacha corra), [’you will get your fees (and may keep the change)’, you will get a real good hiding.
~ corr, heronry.
Bonn, corr, ~, beaded tyre, edge.
~ corr, midge.
~ chorr, implement for digging out sand-eels.
Corr sheasc, sand-eel without milt or roe.
~ chorr, ruacan, sand-eel, cockle, strand.
~ chothrom, chorr, even, odd, number.
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