shut1, 1 v.tr. a Dúnaim, druidim, iaim. To shut the door against s.o., duine a choinneáil lasmuigh de dhoras. S.a. EYE1 1. To shut one's mouth, (i) do bhéal a dhúnadh; (ii) tostadh. P: Shut your mouth, druid, éist, do bhéal. b He shut his finger in the door, dhruid sé an chomhla, rug an doras, ar a mhéar. 2 v.i. (Of door) Druideann, dúnann. The door won't shut, ní féidir an doras a dhúnadh.
Close shut, dúnta go docht.
Do shut up! éist do bhéal!
To get a door to shut, bail a chur ar dhoras le go ndúnfadh sé.
Window glass, shut glass, gloine leatháin.
Go and shut the door, téirigh agus dún an doras; éirigh anonn agus dún an doras.
Would you mind shutting the door? an ndruidfeá an doras, le do thoil?
To shut off the engine, an t-inneall a stopadh.
The trees shut out the view, tá an radharc folaithe ag na crainn.
To shut s.o. out (of doors), an doras a dhúnadh ar dhuine.
To shut oneself up, fanacht faoi ghlas (i seomra, etc.).
To shut s.o. up in prison, duine a chuibhriú i bpríosún.
To shut up shop, éirí as gnó.
The box shut with a snap, dhruid an bosca de bhlosc.
Eyes tightly shut, súile dlúite ar a chéile.
Shut tight, tight shut, (doras) dúnta go daingean; (súile) dlúite.
May I trouble you to shut the door? ar mhiste leat an doras a dhúnadh?