south1 . 1 s. Deisceart m, an aird ó dheas. House facing (the) south, teach a bhfuil a aghaidh ó dheas. On the south, to the south, ar an taobh theas, ó dheas, de. To the south, laisteas. To come from the south, teacht aneas. (Of wind) To veer to the south, luí ó dheas. The wind is in the south, ó dheas, theas, atá an ghaoth. The South of Ireland, deisceart na hÉireann. 2 adv. (Of rest) Laisteas, theas; (of motion) ó dheas. To travel south, gluaiseacht ó dheas. Spain lies south of France, tá an Spáinn laisteas den Fhrainc. Nau: To sail due south, cúrsa a sheoladh ó dheas. South by east, ó dheas lámh soir. South by west, ó dheas lámh siar. 3 a. (Na tíortha) theas, ó dheas. South aspect, aghaidh ó dheas. The south wind, an ghaoth aneas. The south coast, an cósta theas, ó dheas.
south2, v.i. 1 (Of star) Téann thar meánlíne. 2 (Of ship) Gluaiseann ó dheas.
Nau: The island bears south-west, tá an t-oileán siar ó dheas (uainn).
Mil: A large force lay to the south of us, bhí slua mór cruinnithe laisteas dínn.
South of, taobh theas de, ó dheas de.
South Pole, An Mol Theas.
The South Sea Islands, Oileáin na Mara Theas.
The south-east wind, an ghaoth anoir aneas.
South-east by east, soir ó dheas lámh soir.
The south-west wind, an ghaoth aniar aneas.
South-west by west, siar ó dheas lámh siar.
To stand to the south, luí ó dheas.
Nau: (Of ship) Standing to the south, a haghaidh ó dheas.
West by south, north, siar lámh ó dheas, lámh ó thuaidh.
Winging towards the south, ag eitilt ó dheas.