Bhí na scaotha ~ na scaotha éan ag dul ó dheas, there were flocks and flocks of birds going south.
San ~ ó dheas, in the south, southwards.
An ghaoth ~, the south wind.
~ lámh anoir, lámh aniar, from south by east, by west.
~ aduaidh, aneas, from the north-west, south-west.
~ ~ aduaidh, aneas, from west-north-west, west-south-west.
~ lámh aduaidh, aneas, from west by north, by south.
~ aneas lámh aneas, lámh ~, from south-west by south, by west.
~ aduaidh, aneas, from the north-east, south-east.
~ ~ aduaidh, aneas, from the east-north-east, east-south-east.
~ lámh aduaidh, aneas, from east by north, by south.
~ aneas lámh aneas, lámh ~, from south-east by south, by east. ~
~ as Cúige Mumhan, from Munster in the south.
Tá an ghaoth ag athrú ó dheas, the wind is veering south.
Bhí an ghaoth aniar aneas ag ~t an tsneachta, the south-west wind was thawing the snow.
Dul ó dheas, to go south.
Ó dheas siar ó dheas, ó dheas lámh siar, (to) south-south-west, south by west.
Ó dheas soir ó dheas, ó dheas lámh soir, (to) south-south-east, south by east.
An bóthar ó dheas, the road to the south.
Tá an ghaoth ó dheas, the wind is in the south, has veered south.
~ na hÉireann, na hEorpa, the south of Ireland, of Europe.
Tá an ghaoth ag fréamhú ó dheas, the wind is settling in the south.
Bóthar atá ag ~áil ó thuaidh agus ó dheas, a road that runs north and south.
~ aniar, aniar aneas, west, south-west, wind.
1. Iompú thart, ar clé, ó dheas, ar ais, isteach sa pháirc, to turn round, left, south, back, into the field.
~ den oileán, south of the island.
Aneas ~ anoir, from south by east. (Of position)
Thiar ~ theas, west by south.
An M~ Thuaidh, Theas, the North, South, Pole.
Taobh ó thuaidh, ó dheas, de, north, south, of.
~ ó thuaidh, ó dheas, (to) north-west, south-west.
~ ~ ó thuaidh, ó dheas, (to) west-north-west, west-south-west.
~ lámh ó thuaidh, lámh ó dheas, (to) west by north, by south.
~ ó dheas lámh ó dheas, lámh ~, (to) south-west by south, by west.
~ ó thuaidh, ó dheas, (to) north-east, south-east.
~ ~ ó thuaidh, ó dheas, (to) east-north-east, east-south-east.
~ lámh ó thuaidh, lámh ó dheas, (to) east by north, by south.
~ ó dheas lámh ó dheas, lámh ~, south-east by south, by east.
~ go Corcaigh, south to Cork.
An ~ theas, thuaidh, the south, north, side.
~ theas, thuaidh, den Bhóinn, south, north, of the Boyne.
Tá na bóithre ag dul ó thuaidh agus ó dheas, the roads run north and south.
~ thiar ~, (in the) south-south-west.
~ thoir ~, (in the) south-south-east.
~ lámh thoir, lámh thiar, (in the) south by east, by west.
~ i gCorcaigh, south in Cork.
An cósta ~, the south coast.