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spoke could be a grammatical form of: speak »
New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for spoke »
spoke1, s. 1 a Spóca m (rotha). b Nau: Doirnín m (roth stiúrach). 2 a Runga m (dréimire). b Bata m bactha. Til put a spoke in his wheel, bainfeadsa siar as.
spoke2, v.tr. Cuirim bata bactha i (roth).
I never spoke to him after, níor labhair mé riamh leis ó shin.
(With antecedent) I spoke to all the people who were there, labhair mé lena raibh (de dhaoine) ann.
He spoke with bated breath, labhair sé faoina anáil.
He spoke in a beery voice, bhí aithne óil ar a chuid cainte.
He spoke in his individual capacity, labhair sé mar dhuine príobháideach.
He spoke without constraint, labhair sé gan bac; scaoil sé leis féin sa chaint.
He spoke in a despairing tone, bhí meacan an éadóchais ina ghlór nuair a labhair sé.
He spoke extempore, labhair sé gan aon ullmhú roimh ré.
She spoke in a genteel tone of voice, bhí tuin, canúint, ghalánta ar a cuid cainte.
He spoke, labhair sé.
He spoke very kindly of you, labhair sé go maith ort.
He spoke, came last, ba é an duine deireanach a labhair, a tháinig, é.
The manner in which he spoke, an dóigh ar labhair sé.
He spoke in measured tones, labhair sé go righin réidh.
He spoke with native ease, bhí sé solabhartha ó dhúchas.
Nobody spoke to me, níor labhair aon duine liom.
He just spoke off-hand, labhair sé mar a tháinig sé chun an bhéil chuige.
They spoke with one voice, labhair siad d'aonghuth, as béal a chéile.
Never a one spoke to me, níor labhair a oiread agus duine liom.
He spoke in ringing tones, bhí cling ina ghlór agus é ag labhairt.
She spoke, labhair sí.
He spoke at some length, labhair sé tamall maith fada.
Suddenly the guns spoke, leis sin féin labhair na gunnaí.
He spoke his mind, dúirt sé an rud a bhí ar a intinn.
He spoke with studious politeness, labhair sé agus é go béasach d'aon turas.
It is about thee he spoke, is ortsa a labhair sé.
They spoke, labhair siad, labhraíodar.
He spoke in a threatening tone of voice, labhair sé go bagrach.
He spoke in an impatient tone, labhair sé de ghlór mífhoighneach.
He spoke in his turn, labhair sé ar a sheal.
It would be just as well if you spoke to him, níor mhiste dhuit dul chun cainte leis.
I spoke to the secretary, which person I had known for many years, labhair mé leis an rúnaí, duine a raibh aithne agam air le blianta fada.
You spoke, labhair tú, sibh.
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