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some, I a. 1 Éigin. a Some other person, duine éigin eile. Some other solution will have to be found, caithfear teacht ar réiteach éigin eile. Discipline in some form or other, smacht éigin cibé saghas é. He will arrive some day, tiocfadh de na laethanta seo. Some way or another, ar dhóigh amháin ar dhóigh eile. Some sort of reply, freagra de chineál éigin. b (Any) Give it to some lawyer or other, tabhair d'abhcóide ar bith is mian leat é. Some sensible person, duine céillí éigin. 2 (Partitive) Roinnt f (éigin), ábhar m (éigin). To drink some water, braon uisce a ól. To eat some bread, blúire m aráin a ithe. Some food, greim m bia. Some money, áireamh m airgid. Some poor people were there, bhí roinnt daoine bochta ann. 3 a Éigin. Some distance from here, achar as seo. I have some knowledge of it, gearreolas agam air; nílim gan eolas air. To some degree, a bheagán a mhórán. After some time, tamall, seal, ina dhiaidh sin. It will take you some time, bainfidh tamall maith asat. He spoke at some length, labhair tamall maith fada. b There are some others, tuilleadh acu ann. Some days ago, roinnt laethanta ó shin. Some days he is better, laethanta, corrlá, bíonn aghaidh bhisigh sor. 4 (Intensive) He is some doctor, togha dochtúra é. It was some dinner, ba é an t-an-dinnéar é. II pron. 1 Daoine mpl (áirithe). Some think that. . ., ceapann daoine go . . . Some agree with us and some disagree, daoine linn agus tuilleadh inár gcoinne. We scattered, some one way, some another, scaramar, dream soir agus dream siar. 2 Roinnt f, cuid f -oda. Take some, bíodh roinnt agat. Give me some of that wine, tabhair dom braon den fhíon sin. Some of them, cuid acu. I agree with some of what you say, aontaím le cuid bhfuil a . III adv. 1 a Timpeall, suas le, tuairim agus. Some twenty pounds, tuairim agus fiche punt; fiche éigin punt. Some five hundred people, amuigh is istigh le cúig chéad duine. b We waited some few minutes, d'fhanamar tamaillín éigin. 2 P: It pleased me some, beag a thaitin liom.
I have some claims on his friendship, teanntás éigin agam air; faoi chomaoin bheag agam.
He came in for some of it, fuair a chuid (den bhrabach, den sciolladóireacht).
F: Come round and see me some day, tar ar cuairt chugam de na laethanta seo.
The membership comprehends some friends of mine, áirítear cairde liom ar na baill.
If I could find some congenial employment, bhféadfainn obair a fháil d'oiriúnódh .
Have some consideration for me, bíodh cuimhneamh éigin agat ormsa.
The creature of some great man, sclábhaí m ag duine mór éigin.
One day, some day, one of these (fine) days, éigin go gairid.
To some degree, ar mhodh, go pointe áirithe.
There's some devilment afoot, drochobair éigin ar bun.
Work of some difficulty, obair achrannach go maith.
That requires some doing, furasta é sin a dhéanamh, is mór an obair é sin a dhéanamh.
That's some of Tom's doings! sin cuid de ghnóthaí Thomáis!
He was mistaken to some slight extent, bhí ábhar beag de dhearmad air.
Some few of the survivors, roinnt bheag éigin den dream a tháinig slán.
A post he has filled for some time, post atá aige le tamall anuas.
He found some difficulty in doing it, chuaigh roinnt deacair air, leis, é a dhéanamh.
Some fool of a politician, amadán éigin de pholaiteoir.
At some future date, is faide anonn.
To get some sleep, néal a chodladh.
There's some good in him, fír, goin, éigin maitheasa ann.
I had some more, d'ith, d'ól, tuilleadh.
He replied with some heat, thug freagra go lasánta.
Some of her people, cuid muintir.
Some of his people, cuid mhuintir.
He has some idea of chemistry, eolas éigin, breac-eolas, aige ar an gceimic.
At some later date, is faide anonn.
Stay of some length, cuairt leathfhada.
For some length of time, (le) gearrthamall, (le) tamall áirithe.
To speak at some length on sth., roinnt mhaith, ábhar maith, cainte a dhéanamh ar rud.
Some curious facts have since come to light, fuarthas eolas ar nithe aisteacha ó shin.
To look over some papers, silleadh súl a thabhairt ar roinnt páipéar.
I lost some of his answer, bhí roinnt fhreagra nár thugas liom.
Some men say . . ., daoine ann a deir ...
To allow s.o. some margin, ligean le duine beagán; scóip éigin a thabhairt do dhuine.
By some means or other, le cuma le cleas; ar dhóigh ar dhóigh eile.
In some measure, ar bhealach ar dhóigh.
He is up to (some) mischief, diabhlaíocht éigin faoi.
There is some mistake, lúb ar lár in áit éigin.
Some more bread, please, tuilleadh aráin le do thoil.
Have some more wine, ólfaidh braon eile fíona.
Do you want any more, some more? ar mhaith leat a thuilleadh?
This will need some explanation, caithfear an scéal seo a mhíniú.
To take some nourishment, deoladh éigin a chaitheamh.
He has some little oddities, dóigheanna beaga corra leis.
Potatoes and (some) other vegetables, prátaí agus cineálacha eile glasraí.
Some believe it, others don't, daoine a chreideas é agus daoine nach gcreideann.
Some people are sensible and some are otherwise, daoine ann atá céillí agus daoine nach bhfuil.
There ought to be some fun at to-morrow's meeting, seans go mbeidh spórt ag an gcruinniú amárach.
For some time past, le tamall anuas; anois le tamall.
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