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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for sore »
sore1, I a. 1 a Tinn, nimhneach. I am sore all over, níl aon bhall slán i mo chorp. My foot is sore, pian i mo chois. b Frithir, tinn, nimhneach. Sore eyes, súile tinne. S.a. SIGHT1 5. Sore throat, scornach nimhneach. To put one's finger on the sore place, do mhéar a leagan ar an gcneá. F: That's his sore spot, sin an áit a ngoilleann an bhróg air. 2 Cráite, buartha. To be sore at heart, bheith cráite, croíbhuartha. He was very sore about it, ghoill go mór air. 3 To be in sore need of sth., rud a bheith ag teastáil, de dhíth, go géar ort. Sore trial, tástáil chrua, dhian. Sore temptation, cathú trom.   sorely, adv. Sorely wounded, tromghonta, géarghonta. He was sorely tried, ba dhian, ba chrua an fhéachaint air é. II adv. Sore distressed, i gcruachás.
sore2, s. Cneá f, créacht f -a; (chafe) deargadh m. F: To (re)open an old sore, fuil a bhaint as seancholm, seanchartacha a thochailt.
Med: Angry sore, cneá f athlasta.
F: To reopen an old sore, seanriaráistí a tharraingt anuas,
Running sore, cneá shilidh.
F: It is a sight for sore eyes, is é an eorna nua é.
Store is no sore, hualach lón.
I have a sore throat, an scornach nimhneach agam.
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