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Similar words: raith · saith · scraith · sraithí · srath
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Agr. Mch: Swathe assembler, tiomsaitheoir m sraithe.
A chapter of accidents, sraith f tubaistí.
Nest of drawers, sraith f tarraiceán.
I was up to the ears, over head and ears, in work, bhí an fómhar ag leathadh orm, bhí na seacht sraith ar an iomaire agam.
He is up to the eyes in work, tá an fómhar ar leathadh air, tá na seacht sraith ar lár aige.
Rac: Flight of hurdles, sraith f cliath.
Floor-frame, -timber, sraith f urláir; pl. cláir mpl urláir.
Gym: Fluent sequences, sraitheanna éasca.
The coastline forms a series of curves at this point, déanann sraith cuar den chósta ag an bpointe seo.
Mth: Increasing series, sraith ardaitheach.
Mth: Infinite series, sraith éigríochta.
Hyd.E: Ladder of locks, sraith f locaí.
March in line, máirseáil de réir sraithe, ar chomhshraith.
Arch: Lintel course, sraith m lindéir.
Mus: Harmonic progression, sraith f armónach.
Mth: Recurrent series, sraith thimthriallach.
(Set of) rooms, sraith f seomraí.
Row of pearls, sraith péarlaí.
Row of knitting, sraith cniotála.
Row of houses, sraith tithe.
Cards: Run of three, sraith trí chárta.
Gaming: Run on the red, an dearg ina shraith.
Series of numbers, of terms, sraith uimhreacha, téarmaí.
Infinite series, sraith éigríochta.
Adv.phr.In series, i ndiaidh a chéile, ina sraith.
To connect cells in series, cealla a cheangal ina sraith.
El: Series (-wound) motor, mótar sraith-thochraiste.
Suite of rooms, sraith sheomraí.
Orchestral suite, sraith f do cheolfhoireann.
To find the sum of the terms of a series, téarmaí sraithe a shuimiú.
F: He is swamped with work, tá na seacht sraith ar an iomaire aige.
Ground tier, an tsraith íochtarach.
Three-tiered cake, cáca trí shraith.
Wheel train, sraith f rothaí.
A long vista of trees, sraith fhada crann.
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