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He stood aghast at it, rinneadh staic de le faitíos, le hiontas; cuireadh an croí ar crith ann.
He stood like a log, sheas sé ina staic.
F: Paralysed with fear, (duine atá) ina staic le faitíos.
To picket a horse, capall a cheangal de staic.
F: He stood there like a post, sheas sé ansin ina staic.
He remained rooted to the spot, d'fhan sé ansiúd ina staic.
Nau: She was brought up all standing, fágadh ina staic í.
F: To stand like a stock, seasamh i do staic.
To stand stock still, seasamh i do staic.
He stopped short, dead, rinne staic de; sheas sé ina stangaire.
F: He stood transfixed with fear, d'fhan sé ina staic le scanradh.
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