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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for post » and post- »
post1, s. 1 a Post m, cuaille m. Sign post, finger-post, cuaille eolais. F: He stood there like a post, sheas ansin ina staic. b Bed-post, post m leapa. c Steering post, crann m stiúrtha. 2 El: Post m. 3 Turf: (Winning-)post, ceann m sprice. To win on the post, gnóthú ar éigean. (Starting-)post, post tosaithe. To go to the post, dul sa rás. (Of horse) To refuse to leave the post, loiceadh ag an tosach.
post2, v.tr. 1 To post (up) a notice, fógra m a chur suas. Post no bills, cosc ar fhógraí. 2 Fógraím (long) ar iarraidh; cuirim ar liosta na loictheach.
post3, s. 1 A: An post. To travel post, (i) taisteal ar an bpost; (ii) taisteal ar luas. 2 Post m. By return of post, ar an gcéad phost eile. To open one's post, do chuid litreacha a oscailt. There has been a general post among the staff, táthar i ndiaidh go leor athruithe a dhéanamh ar an bhfoireann, 3 To send sth. by post, rud a chur ar an bpost, 4 Oifig phoist. To take a letter to the post, litir a thabhairt chuig an bpost.
post4 . 1 v.i. a Taistealaím ar an bpost. b F: Taistealaím ar luas. 2 v.tr. a Postálaim, cuirim sa phost. To post sth. to s.o., rud a chur ar an bpost chuig duine. b Book-k: To post the books, na leabhair a bhreacadh. To post an entry, iontráil f a bhreacadh. To post up the ledger, an leabhar mór a bhreacadh. F: To post s.o. up with sth., duine a chur ar an eolas faoi rud. To post oneself on the matter, gach eolas faoin scéal a fháil. To keep s.o. posted up, gach eolas a choinneáil le duine.
post5, s. 1 a Post m, ionad m (faire). Advanced post, post tosaigh. Take post! posts! chun na bpost! He died at his post, sheas an fód gur maraíodh é. b Stáisiún m, post (i seilbh airm). 2 Hist: Trading post, stáisiún m trádála. 3 Post m, ceann m oibre, feidhmeannas m. To take up one's post, dul i gceann do phoist.
post6, v.tr. 1 Cuirim i gceann poist, cuirim (saighdiúir) ar garda. To post a sentry at a door, fairtheoir m a chur ar dhoras. 2 Postaím (duine) ina oifigeach; déanaim captaen (loinge) de; postaím (saighdiúir).
post7, s. Last post, an ghairm dheiridh.
To apply for a post, iarratas a chur isteach ar phost.
He was appointed to the post, tugadh an post , ceapadh sa phost é.
The salary attached to the post, an tuarastal atá daite don phost, ag gabháil leis an bpost.
Post no bills! fógraí toirmiscthe!
Boundary post, cuaille m teorann, cuaille críche.
The post will be filled by open competition, cuirfear comórtas oscailte ar bun leis an bpost a líonadh.
Deaf as a door-post, chomh bodhar le slis.
Designation to a post, ainmniú m, ceapadh m, i bpost.
Mil: Detached post, post m ar dícheangal.
To draft s.o. to a post, cúram poist a chur ar dhuine.
To fasten a boat to a post, bád a fheistiú do chuaille.
A post he has filled for some time, post atá aige le tamall anuas.
First-aid station, post, stáisiún m garchabhrach.
Post free, saor ar an bpost.
The post is in the gift of the minister, ag an aire atá an post a thabhairt.
The post is in the minister's grant, bronnadh an phoist faoin aire,
Mil: Tp: Listening-post, port m éisteachta.
He looked about for a post, chuir tuairiscí bhfaigheadh obair.
Mil: Look-out post, post m faire.
Post marking the course, cuaille an chúrsa.
To nominate s.o. to, for, a post, duine a ainmniú do phost.
Mil: Observation post, post m breathnadóireachta.
To offer oneself for a post, post a iarraidh; cur isteach ar phost.
To oust s.o. from his post, duine a chur, a bhriseadh, as a phost.
Parcel post, beartphost m.
Permanent post, post seasta.
To drive s.o. from pillar to post, duine a ruaigeadh ó thor go tom.
At four post meridiem (abbr. p.m.), ag a ceathair tráthnóna, iarnóin.
The General Post Office, Ard-Oifig an Phoist.
Post office clerk, cléireach m poist.
Post office box, bosca m poist; bosca litreacha.
Post-graduate course, cúrsa m iarchéime.
A post-mortem examination, corpfhéachaint f iarbháis.
Post-mortem rigidity, teannáil an éaga.
Post-obit (bond), banna iarbháis.
To put in for a post, cur isteach ar phost.
To recommend a candidate for a post, iarrthóir a mholadh do phost.
The qualities required for this post, na tréithe is don phost seo.
By return of post, le casadh an phoist.
The post-man's round, turas fhear an phoist.
A salaried post, post tuarastail.
He stuck to his post, sheas an fód.
To hold a post on supply, ionadaíocht shealadach a dhéanamh i bpost.
Turf: The tapes (at the starting-post), na ribíní.
To send sth. through the post, rud a chur ar an bpost.
Rail: Travelling post-office, postoifig f taistil.
To have a try for a post, cur isteach ar phost.
He is unworthy of the post, níl inchurtha leis an bpost.
Application for a job, iarratas m ar phost.
To apply for a post, iarratas a chur isteach ar phost.
He was appointed to the post, tugadh an post , ceapadh sa phost é.
To assign a salary to an office, tuarastal a leagan síos do phost.
The salary attached to the post, an tuarastal atá daite don phost, ag gabháil leis an bpost.
He got into the job through the back-door, shleamhnaigh isteach sa phost le fabhar.
These jobs go (a-)begging, níl iarraidh ag aon duine ar na poist seo.
Blind alley occupation, post nach dual biseach .
The post will be filled by open competition, cuirfear comórtas oscailte ar bun leis an bpost a líonadh.
Sch: Correspondence course, cúrsa poist.
Mil: Detached post, post m ar dícheangal.
He resigned the position in disgust, d'éirigh as an bpost agus é bréan den scéal.
What do you do? what are you doing? cén ceann poist atá agat? cad á dhéanamh agat? céard atá a dhéanamh?
To draft s.o. to a post, cúram poist a chur ar dhuine.
Eligible for a position, incheaptha do phost.
Aliens are excluded from these posts, ceadaítear d'eachtrannaigh na poist seo a bheith acu.
He wasted his time to such an extent that he lost his job, chuir oiread sin ama amú gur chaill a phost.
A post he has filled for some time, post atá aige le tamall anuas.
Filling of a vacancy, soláthar duine do phost.
Post free, saor ar an bpost.
He got himself appointed, d'oibrigh an post féin.
The post is in the gift of the minister, ag an aire atá an post a thabhairt.
To give s.o. a job, (i) post a thabhairt do dhuine; (ii) rud a thabhairt le déanamh do dhuine.
If I hear of any job going, chloisim faoi aon phost a bheith ag imeacht
The post is in the minister's grant, bronnadh an phoist faoin aire,
He has been retired on the ground of his infirmities, tugadh air éirí as a phost ar chuntas a shláinte, ar shéala na drochshláinte.
Higher posts, poist mhóra.
He insinuated himself into office, ligh roimhe go bhfuair post; shleamhnaigh isteach i bpost.
He has a good job, post maith aige.
To leave one's situation, do phost a thabhairt suas, éirí as do phost.
Mil: Look-out post, post m faire.
That mistake lost him the match, his job, chaill an cluiche, a phost, de bharr an dearmaid sin.
Mail-order business, post-trácht m -a.
To put one's name down for a position, grant, cur isteach ar phost, ar dheontas.
To name s.o. to an office, duine a ainmniú le haghaidh poist.
To nominate s.o. to, for, a post, duine a ainmniú do phost.
Mil: Observation post, post m breathnadóireachta.
His merit obtained him the appointment, lena fheabhas a fuair an post.
To offer oneself for a post, post a iarraidh; cur isteach ar phost.
To be in office, (i) bheith i bpost; (ii) (of government) bheith i réim.
To take office, to come into office, (i) dul i gcionn poist; (ii) (of government) dul i mbun rialtais, teacht i réim.
I have a job in the offing, post faoi mo shúil.
She congratulated him on his appointment, mhair an post .
Postal order, ordú poist.
To oust s.o. from his post, duine a chur, a bhriseadh, as a phost.
Postal packet, beartán m poist.
Packet(-boat), bád m poist.
Permanent post, post seasta.
He made a personal application for the position, chuaigh féin féin isteach gur iarr an post.
To occupy, hold, a position, post a bheith agat.
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