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Similar words: atéamh · éamh · téama · amh · méath
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téamh could be a grammatical form of: éamh »
To air a bed, leaba a théamh, a aeráil.
To take the chill off (sth.), rud a bhogadh, a théamh; an ghoimh a bhaint as (uisce).
To make s.o. glow, an fhuil a théamh i nduine.
Heating action of the sun, téamh m na gréine.
Central heating, téamh lárnach.
Games: You are getting hot, tá tú ag téamh.
To make a dish hot, mias f a théamh.
To take to s.o., téamh le duine.
To tan s.o., s.o.'s hide, duine a léasadh, an craiceann a théamh ag duine.
I can't get warm, ní féidir liom mé féin a théamh.
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