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Similar words: lógtha · tagtha · tórtha · tugtha · bogtha
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tógtha could be a grammatical form of: tóg »
To be (all) agog (with excitement), bheith an-tógtha.
He is an old beau of hers, bhí sé tógtha léi lá den saol; bhíodh sí ag baitsiléireacht ina theannta fadó.
His blood was up, bhí sé an-tógtha.
He was drunk with success, bhí a chloigeann tógtha le chomh maith is bhí ag éirí leis.
To be enamoured of, with, sth., bheith tógtha le rud.
To be flustered, bheith tógtha.
Is this table free?, an bhfuil an bord seo tógtha?
In the heat of the moment he said it, dúirt sé é nuair a bhí sé tógtha.
A heavy sea was running, bhí an fharraige tógtha.
Feelings ran high, bhí na daoine tógtha.
He is inebriated by success, tá a chloigeann tógtha ó d'éirigh leis.
F: He is off his rocker, tá sé tógtha san inchinn.
Standing out in relief, tógtha.
He is the terror of the countryside, tá an pobal tógtha ó lár aige.
The blinds are up, tá na dallóga tógtha.
His blood was up, bhí sé tógtha.
To be worked up, bheith tógtha, corraithe.
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