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Similar words: burra · curra · furra · urea · urla
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I have it on good authority, tá urra maith agam leis.
To speak by the book, urra a chur le do chuid cainte.
To break (down) s.o.'s resistance, urra duine a bhriseadh.
By brute force, le tréan urra.
As an earnest of his good intentions, mar urra ar a dhea-rún.
I have it on good authority that . . ., tá urra maith agam leis go . . .
With might and main, le hiomlán urra.
He strained every nerve to do it, chuir sé iomlán a chuid urra ann; chuir sé a chroí amach leis.
I have it on good authority, tá urra mhaith agam leis.
I am saving my strength, tá mé ag coigilt mo chuid urra, ag conlú ar mo neart.
F: To set one's seal to an undertaking, urra a chur le gnó; barántas a dhéanamh ar ghnó.
I know it from a good source, tá sé agam ó urra maith.
He is strong in the arm, tá an t-urra sna géaga ann.
A warrant for his good behaviour, urra m ar a dhea-iompar.
Colours warranted fast, dathanna a bhfuil urra buaine leo.
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