ar ceann. 1. At the head of. Ar cheann na bhfear, an cholúin, leading the men, the column. 2. At the end of. Ar cheann téide, at the end of a rope. 3. Ahead, in front, of. Na daoine ar ár g~, the people in front of us. An rud atá ar mo cheann, what is in store for me. 4. Before, against the coming of. Ullamh ar do cheann, ready for you, for your coming. Ar cheann oíche, against the coming of night. Am an chuntais ar cheann an bháis, the accounting time before death. 5. For, to get. Tháinig teachtaire chugam ar a cheann, a messenger came to me for it.
Tá tinneas cinn orm agaibh, you give me a headache.
Ar ~ tú an ceann seo? Did you count, include, this one?
Tá ~ chinn aige ar na caoirigh, he knows each individual sheep.
Chuir sí ciarsúr ~ ar a ceann, she covered her head with a handkerchief.
Ar an urlár, ar mo cheann, on the floor, on my head.
Ar cheann na sochraide, at the head of the funeral procession.
Ar scilling an ceann, at a shilling each.
Ceann ar cheann, céim ar chéim, one by one, step by step.
Tá ceann, cosa, air, it has a head, legs.
Bhí tinneas cinn, an slaghdán, orm, I had a headache, a cold.
Ceann ar ~, (i) headlong, (ii) on purpose.
Fuair mé ceann de bharraíocht ort, I got one more than you.
Ceann ar ~, wayward child.
Tóg ceann ar ~ acu, take any one of them.
An té a bhuailtear sa cheann bíonn eagla air, a burnt child dreads the fire.
~ anuas ar do cheann é, pull it down over your head.
Bhuail sé a cheann ar an matal, he knocked his head against the mantelpiece.
Tá a cheann agus a chosa ~te ar a chéile, he is bent double.
Ag ~eadh daoine gan ábhar, ar chúl a gcinn, censuring people without cause, behind their backs.
Ar an gceann ~ de, at the very least.
Bíonn ceann ~ ar an óige, you cannot put an old head on young shoulders.
Is furasta forbairt, goilleadh, ar cheann ~, it is easy to torment the afflicted.
Is gairid go mbuaile sé a cheann ar an spéir, he is growing remarkably tall.
Leag do cheann ar an adhairt, lay your head on the pillow.
Tá ~ faoi, ~ síos, air, he is downcast, ashamed.
~ faoi a chur ar dhuine, to humiliate s.o.
~ ar aghaidh, (i) headlong, (ii) on purpose.
I ndiaidh, ar lorg, do chinn, head foremost.
Ar bhior, ar mhullach, a chinn, on top of his head.
Chomh cinnte is atá ~ ar do mhuineál, as sure as you are alive.
Chuir sé an flagún ar a cheann, he raised the flagon to his lips.
Tá an ~ aige orm, he is taller than me by a head. (Of coin)
Tá ~ maith air, (i) he has a good head, is clever, (ii) he is able to keep his head.
Tá ~ fada air, he is far-seeing.
Beir ar cheann ort féin! Be sensible!
Cad tá ar ~? What’s trumps?
~ a chur ar theach, to roof a house.
Tá sé sa cheann orm, he is down on me.
Tá siad (i bhfad) chun cinn orainn, they are (far) ahead of us.
Ná tóg ~ ar bith dó, pay no attention to him.
Ar an g~ caol, is lú de, at the minimum, the very least.
Ar an g~ amuigh de, at the very outside.
Ar an g~ is faide, is sia, at the longest, latest.
Bhí ~ síos, ~ suas, air, he was suffering from diarrhoea, from vomiting.
~ a chur ar scéal, to conclude a story; to close a subject.
~ a chur ar an bPhaidrín, to start the Rosary.
Tá dhá cheann ar an scéal, there are two sides to the story.
Fuair sé an ~ is fearr orm, he gained the advantage over me.
Aon cheann, ~ ar bith, acu, any one of them.
~ ar cheann, de réir ~ is ~, ina g~ is ina g~, one by one.