Dul san ~, to join the army.
Cath a bhriseadh ar arm, to defeat an army in battle.
Arm a bhualadh, to defeat an army.
Máistir ~, (army) quartermaster.
~ a bhriseadh ar arm, to defeat an army in battle.
An tArm C~, the Irish Citizen Army.
I g~ airm, in command of an army.
~ airm, catha, flank of army, of battle.
~ airm, armlóin, eitilte, faisnéise, leighis, taidhleoireachta, army, army service, flying, intelligence, medical, diplomatic, corps.
Slua agus ~, an army and provisions.
~ slua ar sraonadh, the rallying of an army in defeat.
Duine a chur i bpost, san arm, to place s.o. in a job, in the army.
~ airm, withdrawal of army.
Arm a dhíothú, to wipe out an army.
Bhí ~ ar fhir óga san arm, young men were wanted in the army.
Thug sé ~ aimsire san arm, he gave long service, stayed a long time, in the army.
Ag ~áil ar scoil, san arm, chun farraige, going to school, into the army, to sea.
Arm ~, professional army.
Ghéill an t-arm, the army surrendered.
I gceannas an airm, in command of the army.
Imeacht sna saighdiúirí, san arm, to (go off to) join the army.
~eadh as an arm é, he was allowed to leave the army.
~ san arm, to enlist in the army.
Ghabh siad ~ an airm, they encircled the army.
3. ~ airm, cabhlaigh, aerfhórsa, army, naval, air-force, officer.
Dul sna ~í, to join the army.
~ thar lorg a thabhairt d’arm, to cover the retreat of an army.
2. ~ mhíleata, airm, military, army, service.
Arm an tSlánaithe, the Salvation Army.
Dul san arm, to join the army.
~ an airm, the van of the army.
~ an airm, the van of the army.