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asal, m. (gs. & npl. -ail, gpl. ~). Ass, donkey.
Mar a dúirt Seán leis an asal, as Seán said about the donkey.
Dá mbeadh trucail ar an asal, if the donkey were drawing a cart.
~ asail, donkey’s bray.
~ romhat an t-asal sin, prod on that donkey.
~ tarbh, asal, bó, bellowing of bulls, braying of donkeys, lowing of cows.
Ní dhéanfadh an saol ~ rása d’asal, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
D’ólfadh, ghoidfeadh, sé an chros den asal, he would drink, steal, the cross off an ass’s back.
An ~ asail sin, that decrepit old ass.
~ asail, bray of donkey.
Bhí an t-asal á iomlasc féin, the donkey was rolling.
~ asail, she-ass.
Mar a dúirt Seán leis an asal, as Seán said about the donkey.
Mhaolaigh an t-asal a chluasa, the donkey flattened its ears.
Cad a bheadh romham ~ asal? What should I find there but a donkey?
Go ~ asal na dtincéirí, even to the tinkers’ donkey.
D’~fadh sé an sop as an tsrathair, an chros den asal, cába Chríost, he is an irredeemable drunkard.
B’fhéidir go ~fadh an t-asal leat, the donkey might lash out at you.
Asal ~, obstinate donkey.
~ asail, donkey’s foal.
Tá ~ san asal sin, that donkey is liable to kick.
~ asail, jackass.
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