Chuir sé ~ ann, he attached a condition to it.
Tá costas ag ~t leis, there is expense attached to it.
Greamú de rud, to become attached to sth.
Bheith i n~ le duine, to be closely attached to s.o.
An coinníoll a ghabh leis, the condition that was attached to it.
Bheith ~ ar dhuine, to be attached to s.o.
~ a bheith agat ar dhuine, to be attached to s.o.
~ a bheith agat le rud, to be attached to, fond of, sth.
~ ribe, rod with snare attached.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, d’áit, to become attached to a person, to a place.
~ do na leabhair, attached to books.