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slat1, f. (gs. -aite, npl. ~a, gpl. ~).1. Rod. (a) Slender stick; cane, switch. ~ sailí, choill, sally-, hazel-, rod. An t~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to take the rod to s.o. Bhain sé ~ a sciúr é féin, he cut a rod for his own back. ~ bhuachailleachta, tiomána, rod used to herd, to drive, cattle. ~ iascaigh, iascaireachta, fishing-rod. ~ ribe, rod with snare attached. ~ chlaímh, sword-stick. ~ mhaoile, strickle (for levelling). (b) Wand. ~ draíochta, magic wand. ~ ríoga, sceptre. Bheith faoi shlat ag duine, to be ruled by s.o., to be under s.o.’s thumb. ~ mhaoraíochta, big stick, control, coercion. (c) Slender bar. ~ chopair, iarainn, copper, iron, rod. ~ croiche, transverse bar of pot-rack. ~ chuirtín, curtain-rod. ~ ghunna, ramrod. ~ loine, piston-rod. ~ phota, pot-hook. ~ teallaigh, fire-iron. ~ tumtha, dip-stick. El:~ charbóin, since, carbon, zinc, rod. S.a. crios 3. (d)~ tomhais, measuring-rod; yardstick, criterion. ~ a chur ar rud, to measure sth.; to run the rule over sth. Dá gcuirfeá ~ ar Éirinn (ní bhfaighfeá a leithéid), if you were to search the whole of Ireland (you wouldn’t find the like of it). ~ dá thomhas féin a thabhairt do dhuine, to pay s.o. in his own coin. (e) Rail. ~ staighre, stair-rail. ~ droichid, rail guarding side of bridge. (f)Nau:~ bhéil, ~ bhoird, gunwale. Tá sí síos go ~ an bhéil, it (boat) is down to the gunwale, heavily loaded. (g)Nau:~ seoil, sail-yard. ~ bhrataí, jack-staff. (h)~ droma, backbone. Síneadh ar shlat a dhroma, ar shlat chúl a chinn, é, he was stretched on the broad of his back. (i)Arb:~a dubha, mountain willow. S.a. domhnach 1. (j)Algae:~a mara, sea-rods. S.a. ceann11(l).(k)Bot:~a gorma, bitter-sweet, woody nightshade. ~a dearga, spotted knot-grass. (l) Sapling, slip, scion. ~ de bhuachaill, de chailín, slip of a boy, of a girl. (m)Astr:~ an Rí, an Bhodaigh, an Cheannaí, belt of Orion. (n)Physiol:~ (fhearga), penis. 2. Meas: Yard. ~ ar fad, a yard long. Rud a thomhas ina shlata, to measure sth. in yards. ~ éadaigh, yard of cloth. S.a. cóta 2. 3. (pl.) Outskirts. Ar shlata na cathrach, on the outskirts of the city. (Var:pl. ~acha)
slat2, v.t. (vn. ~adh m, gs. & pp. ~a).Lit: Beat with rods, switch, scourge. (Var:~aigh)
slat3 = slad1,2.
Bhí slat aige, he had a rod.
Ar a ghlúine, ar shlat a dhroma, on his knees, on the flat of his back.
Craobh, slat, a bhaint, to cut a branch, a rod.
Tabhair ~ don bhodach agus tabharfaidh sé féin slat leis, give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.
~ méire, slaite, tip of finger, of rod.
Bain ~ slaite dom, cut a slip to make a rod for me.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Tá sé céad slat as seo, míle ón trá, siúl uaire chun na páirce, it is a hundred yards from here, a mile from the strand, an hour’s walk to the park.
Bhain sé slat a bhuailfeas é féin, he has cut a rod for his own back.
~ slaite, thick end of rod.
Chaill mé slat an iarraidh sin, I was set back a yard that time.
Slat chaol, thin rod.
Slat cheangail, tie-rod, link.
~a slat, oarweed (Laminaria cloustoni).
Slat is ~, a yard and a quarter. (Of weight)
Slat choill, hazel-rod; dowsing-rod.
Slat, coinneal, bos, chorr, tapering rod, candle, hand.
~ shlat, thick bundle of rods.
Ó bhí sé i g~ na cabhlach; ó rinne slat ~ dó, since he was a little child.
3. Slata creasa, rods in weaver’s loom.
Naoi g~ i slat, nine fingers to a yard.
Lann, léine, slat, chruach, steel blade, vest, rod.
Duine a chur ar a chosa, ar shlat a dhroma, to put s.o. on his feet, on the flat of his back.
Riail, slat tomhais, a chur ar rud, to run a rule, a measuring-rod, over sth.
Is í an tslat chumhra is umhaile dá húll, the young twig bends lowest with its apple.
cinn) Aon slat ~, eleven yards.
~ slata, ~ n-acra, ten yards, ten acres.
~ na Pailme, na hImrime, an Iúir, na Slat, na Toirnéise, Palm Sunday.
Briocht, cochall, slat, ceo, ~a, magic spell, cloak, wand, mist.
~ na slaite, chastisement with the rod.
Dá siúlfá ~, dá gcuirfeá slat ar Éirinn, ní bhfaighfeá a leithéid, if you were to travel, to search, all Ireland, you would not get the like of it.
Slat ar ~, a yard long.
D’fhág sé ~a sna lámha agam le slat, he welted me on the hands with a rod.
Slata, folt, a fhí, to weave, plait, rods, hair.
Slat ghlas, green rod.
Duine a ghreadadh le dorn, le slat, le fuip, to strike s.o. heavily with a fist, with a rod, with a whip.
~ slaite, angling.
Bád, slat, ~a, fishing-boat, -rod.
Slat iúir, yew rod.
~ slat eile leis, let it out another yard.
~ uait an tslat, let go the rod; put down the rod.
Fáinne, slat, ~, piston-ring, -rod.
Slat, bogha, a ~adh, to bend a rod, a bow.
~ slaite, galúin, yard, gallon, measure.
Fuair sé an tslat ~, he got a sound caning.
Cúig slata uait, five yards from you.
Slat agus ~, hook and perforated bar (for hanging pot, etc., over fire).
Ar ~ céad slat, at one hundred yards range.
Slat an Rí, Belt of Orion.
~ slat iascaireachta, reel of fishing-rod.
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