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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for slat »
slat, s. Lata m.
Nau: With yards across, na slata seoil crosach.
Yard-arms apeak! in airde leis na slata!
He is tied to his mother's apron-strings, faoi shlat ag a mháthair.
Five paces away from us, cúig slata uainn.
He is on his back, (i) ar shlat a dhroma; (ii) (ill) ar chúl a chinn (sa leaba).
(Harlequin's) bat, slat f draíochta (cleasaí).
To bend a rod, a key, out of shape, slat, eochair, a lúbadh, a chamadh, as a cruth.
Birch(-rod), slat f (bhuailte).
He has two strings to his bow, dhá ruaim ar a shlat aige.
s.On the broad of his back, ar shlat a dhroma.
To get the cane, an tslat a fháil.
To charge five shillings a yard (for sth.), coróin an tslat a bhaint amach (ar rud).
Composing-stick, slat f eagair.
He fell flat on his back, thit ar fhleasc, shlat, a dhroma.
Mil: To run the gauntlet, cúrsa na slat a rith.
The gentle art, iascaireacht f slaite.
A green shoot, slat úr, glas.
He got a handicap of twenty yards, tugadh buntáiste fiche slat .
Hen-pecked husband, fear atá faoi shlat ag a bhean.
He was hoist with his own petard, an tslat a bhain féin a bhuail é.
Nau: Hull down on the horizon, thíos go slat ag bun na spéire.
Three-joint fishing-rod, slat f iascaigh trí chuid.
His face lengthened, tháinig fad slaite de phus air.
A rod and another of like length, slat agus ceann eile fad.
To lay out a garden by rule and line, (slat agus) dorú a ligean ar gharraí.
Nau: Plimsoll's mark, slat an lasta.
A hundred odd yards, corradh le céad slat.
A yard off me, slat uaim.
Sword of Orion, Slat f an .
Plimsoll line, an tslat f.
Laden to the Plimsoll line, luchtaithe go slat.
To reduce yards to feet, troithe a dhéanamh de shlata.
F: To make a rod for one's own back, slat a bhaint a sciúrfadh féin.
(Fishing-) rod, slat f iascaigh.
Copper rod, slat chopair.
El: Carbon rod, zinc rod, slat f charbóin, shince.
Aut: Selector-rod, slat f rogha.
A yard of spare rope, slat rópa le cois.
Three yards to spare, trí slata de bharraíocht, le cois.
Do not judge all men by the same standard, bíodh an tslat tomhais chéanna agat ag meas gach aon duine.
He got the stick, fuair dualgas an tslisne, na slaite.
Typ: Composing stick, slat f eagair.
They are under his sway, slat mhéaraíochta aige orthu.
Abs.He can throw a hundred yards, caitheamh, urchar, céad slat aige.
He was caught in his own toils, bhain slat a bhuail é féin.
The rod isn't true, níl an tslat díreach.
A yard long, slat ar fad.
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