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bearing could be a grammatical form of: bear »
Tá úlla ar na crainn, the trees are bearing apples.
Ag iompar airm in ~ an diabhail, bearing arms in the service of the devil.
Ag breith (amach) ar an domhain, bearing out to sea.
Iompar ~, lofty bearing.
~í a thógáil ar áit, to take the bearings of a place.
~í cuain, harbour bearings.
~ iompair, (structural) bearing.
Iompar ~, discreet, prudent, bearing.
Fear ~, money-lender, usurer; trader selling goods on interest-bearing credit, gombeen-man.
~ iompair, ball-bearings.
~ céime, rollach, teanntála, step-, roller-, thrust, bearing.
~ agáite, agate bearing.
Práis ~, bearing brasses.
~ scéalta, tale-bearing.
Fearsaid iompair, bearing axle.
Grán iompair, ball-bearings.
Tá ~ breá air, he has a fine bearing.
~ uasal, noble bearing.
~anna a thógáil, a ghlacadh, to take bearings.
Iompar ~, soldierly bearing.
Cairt, treo-uillinn, a phointeáil, to prick a chart, a bearing.
Iompar ~, regal bearing.
Samhaltáin armais, armorial bearings.
Iompar ~, arrogant bearing.
Chuamar as ár n-eolas, we lost our bearings.
~ amadáin, silly bearing.
~ (chompáis), (compass) bearing.
Iompar ~, haughty bearing.
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