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calling could be a grammatical form of: call »
Is maith an té atá ag tabhairt achasáin uaidh, the pot calling the kettle black.
Bhí siad ag ~eadh a chéile, they were calling each other names.
~ an chorcáin leis an gciteal, the pot calling the kettle black.
Ag ~, crying, calling; whinging, lamenting.
Bhí siad ag ~ ina dhiaidh, they were calling after him, jeering him.
Bhí sé ag ~t i lár an aonaigh, he was calling out in the middle of the fair.
Tá sé ag ~t orainn, he is calling to us.
An chuach ag ~m, the cuckoo calling.
Is é a ghairm é, it is his calling.
Tá siad ag ~ ar a gcuid, they are calling to be fed.
An ~ a choinneáil, a choimeád, leis, ina dhiaidh, to keep calling after him, chasing him, urging him on; to raise a hue and cry after him.
Cé atá ag ~eadh linn? Who is calling to us?
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