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cleacht1, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~).Lit: Braid, plait.
cleacht2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~a). 1. Perform habitually; be, become, accustomed to. Rud a chleachtadh, to make a habit of sth. An saol, an obair, an bia, an chuideachta, na háiteanna, a chleacht sé, the life, the work, the food, the company, the places, he was accustomed to. Chleacht siad fíon lena gcuid, they were accustomed to take wine with their food. Chleacht sé na sacraimintí, he frequented the sacraments. Chleacht sé an cheird sin as a óige, he followed that trade from his youth. Níor chleacht mé riamh é, I never made a habit of it. Duine a chleachtadh le rud, to accustom s.o. to sth. Ná ~ duit féin a bheith ag eascainí, don’t get into the habit of swearing. Bheith, éirí, ~a ar, le, rud, to be, to get, accustomed to sth. Tá mé ~a leis, I am used to it. 2. Practise. Ag ~adh iomána, snámha, practising hurling, swimming. 3. Th: Rehearse.
cleacht3, m = cleachtadh.
cleacht4 = cuideachtaigh.
Tá mé as cleachtadh na hoibre, I have lost practice at the work.
~ a fhoghlaim, a chleachtadh, to learn, practise, a trade.
Den cheird an cleachtadh; namhaid don cheird gan a cleachtadh, practice makes perfect.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to make a habit of, become used to, sth.
Duine a bhaint as a chleachtadh, to take s.o. out of his element, to disconcert s.o.
~ oibre, ceirde, practical experience of work, of a trade.
~ léime, dornála, jumping, boxing, practice.
Tá ~ fada ar an tiomáint aige, he has long experience of driving.
Le ~, with practice.
~ dráma, rehearsal of play.
Leabhar cleachta, exercise book.
Cleachtadh a dhéanamh de rud, to make a practice of sth.
An ~ a chleachtadh, to practise law.
Do ghairm a chleachtadh, to follow one’s trade.
An ghalántacht a chleachtadh, to practise gentility.
~ cleachta, meabhrán, nótaí, sceitseála, exercise-, memorandum-, note-, sketch-, book.
Tú féin a ~ean as cleachtadh, to let oneself get out of practice.
An mhúinteoireacht a chleachtadh, to practise (the art of) teaching.
Ár ~ féin a chleachtadh, to lead our lives in our own way.
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