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Caite agus ~chaite, completely worn-out.
~ a thabhairt ar, do, dhuine, to exhaust s.o. completely; to beat s.o. into a helpless condition.
Chuir tú an ~ air, you spoiled it completely.
~ barr; ó bhun go barr, from top to bottom, completely.
Bearrtha go ~, completely shorn.
D’éirigh sé béal na g~ as, he gave it up suddenly, completely.
Níor fágadh ~ ná sop ar an teach, the roof was stripped completely off the house.
Níl mé in ann ~ a chur thar an g~ eile, I am completely exhausted.
Tá a ~ sáite sa leanbh, she is completely wrapped up in the child.
Rinne sé ~ an mháilín díom, he got the better of me completely (in fight, argument).
Tá sé faoi chuing na cleithe acu, he is completely in their power.
Bhí sé i n~ na déithe, he was at his last gasp, completely exhausted.
Chinn sé ~ orm, it beat me completely.
Ní fheicfeadh sé poll sa ~, he is completely blind, blind drunk.
~ a thabhairt le rud, to turn one’s back completely on sth.
Bheith go h~ le rud, to be forever at sth., completely absorbed in sth.
D’~ air go raibh sé as a mheabhair ar fad, he became more and more enraged until he lost his senses completely.
Chomh tur le ~ aille, completely unappetizing.
~ fálta fuirsithe, seeded, fenced and harrowed; completely finished.
Millte, scriosta, ~, completely spoiled, destroyed.
Tá sé ina ghualach agat, you have burned it completely.
Níl ~ ná stiúradh ar na páistí aige, he has let the children get completely out of control.
Dhéanfadh sé ~ i do chluas, he would nest in your ear, fool you completely.
Lán go poll an phaidrín, completely full.
Tá sé i ndeireadh na péice, he is completely exhausted; he is at his last gasp.
~ scan, outright, completely.
Tá siad caite ~ scan, they are worn completely.
Bheith ar do sheanléim arís, to be in the best of form again, completely recovered.
I do sheanrith, going at full speed; completely recovered from illness.
Buaileadh ~ siar iad, they were completely routed.
Níor fhan ~ ionam, I was completely out of breath.
Tá mé ~ta (amach), I am (completely) exhausted.
Níor thug sé ~ an troim orm, he ignored me completely.
Bhíomar ~ tnáite, we were completely exhausted.
Tá tú i ~ ar fad, you are completely wrong.
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