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Faoistin bhacach, imperfect confession.
Ionas go mbeadh ~ ar a fhaoistin, so that his confession might be valid.
Faoistin choiteann, general confession.
Rud a chur i scéal, i dtuarascáil, i bhfaoistin, to put sth. in a story, in a report, in a confession.
~ gearáin, faoistine, matter for complaint, for confession.
~ a chur ar fhaoistin, to render a confession void.
Faoistin a ~eacht, to hear a confession.
Dul chuig an bh~, chun ~e, ar ~, to go to confession.
~ a éisteacht, to hear a confession.
~ bheatha, ghinearálta, general confession.
~ bhéil, oral confession.
~ faoistine, things omitted in confession.
~ a dhéanamh ort féin (i bhfaoistin), to accuse oneself (in confession).
Níor bhuail sé a ghlúin faoi shagart ó shin, he hasn’t knelt before a priest (in confession) since then.
Dul chuig an ~, to go to the priest, to confession. (Address)
Chuaigh sé chun faoistine romhainn, he went to confession before us.
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