Go ~ nó go treas, by hook or by crook.
An ~ agus an díreach, the crooked and the straight.
Chomh cam le ~ lúbáin, as crooked as a hook.
An té a bhfuil an ~ ann, he who is crooked by nature.
Bata, bealach, ~, crooked stick, path.
Chomh ~ le hadharc reithe, le cam lúbáin, le cos (deiridh) an mhadra, as crooked as a ram’s horn, as a pot-hook, as a dog’s (hind) leg;
Do mhéar a chamadh, to crook one’s finger.
2. Corr shúgáin, chasta, throw-crook, rope-twister.
8. ~ súgáin, throw-crook, rope-twister.
2. ~ a dhéanamh, to carry off sth. on one’s back; to take sth. on the crook.
Tá an ~ ann, he is crooked by nature.
I n~ a ordóige, in the crook of his thumb.
Comhairle shaobh, crooked counsel.