cuimilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of cuimil1. 2. Rubbing; stroking, fondling, wiping; friction. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to give sth. a rub. ~ de cheirt, a wipe of a cloth. ~ bhoise, a stroke of the palm, palm-stroking; coaxing. Thug sí ~ den teanga dó, she gave him a bit of a scolding. Chaith an chuimilt é, it became worn with rubbing. ~ a bheith agat le duine, to meet up with, have dealings with, s.o. S.a. barra1 5, crág1 3, lámhainn.
Rud a bhogadh le teas, le cuimilt, to soften sth. with heat, with rubbing.
~ a chuimilt de rud, to pass, rub, a hand over sth.
Ag cuimilt boise de dhuine, soft-soaping s.o.
~ agus cuimilt, wear and tear.
~ chuimilte, dusting-rag.
~ chuimilte, fhorbartha, coefficient of friction, of expansion.
~ dhiosca, chuimilte, disk, friction, clutch.
Rudaí a chuimilt dá chéile, to rub things against each other.
Ag ~t leis na huaisle, toadying to the nobility.
2. Duine a chuimilt, to soft-soap s.o.
~ a chuimilt de rud, to wipe sth. with a cloth.
Rud, duine, a chuimilt in aghaidh, i gcoinne, an fhionnaidh, to rub sth., s.o., against the grain, the wrong way.
Ceirt, sop, na ~e a chuimilt do dhuine, to wipe s.o.’s eye.
Tháinig ~ ar a, ina, mhuinchillí le cuimilt, his sleeves became shiny with rubbing.
~ chuimilte, flesh-glove.
~ a chuimilt de dhuine, to soft-sawder s.o.
Thug sí ~ chuimilte orthu, she gave them a quick rub.
Ag cuimilt ~í leis na daoine móra, fawning on the great.
~ cuimilte, rádail, wipe-, lap-, joint.
~ a chuimilt de rud, to give sth. a rub.