Chuir sé amach a lámh romhainn, he thrust out his hand in front of us.
Duine a chur romhat, to put s.o. in front of you; to send s.o. before you.
Rud a chur romhat (féin), to set oneself to do sth.
Chuir mé romham an teanga a fhoghlaim, I made up my mind to learn the language.
Ná cuir an sócúl roimh an ~, [’do not put comfort before discomfort’, business first.
~ a chur ar dhuine (roimh rud), to discourage s.o. (from doing sth.).
~ a chur roimh dhuine, to welcome s.o.
Chuir sé ~ roimhe go raibh sé ag teacht, he notified his coming in advance.
B’olc an mhaise dom é gan fáilte a chur romhat, it would ill become me not to welcome you.
Gan ~ a chur rompu, without notifying their coming.
Cuir marc ~e, put a mark in front of it.
Cuir an ceann caol de ~e, put the thin end of it foremost.