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fáilte, f. (gs. ~, pl. -tí). 1. Lit: Joy, bliss, happiness. ~ neamhaí, heavenly bliss. ~ gan chríoch, joy without end. ~ chomhlán i nDia, complete happiness in God. A chuir ~ ar chroíthe, which gladdened hearts. 2. Welcome. (a)~ a chur roimh dhuine, to welcome s.o. ~ (is fiche, is céad) romhat, you are welcome (twenty, a hundred, times over). Céad, míle, céad míle, ~ (romhat), a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand, welcomes (to you). (Na) gártha, tuartha, ~, shouts, signs, of welcome. ~ Uí Cheallaigh, (proverbially) generous welcome. Den fháilte an fhéile, generosity makes the welcome. Níl mé aga, dú, fad, na ~ amuigh, I haven’t been away long enough to merit a welcome back. Tá aga na ~ caite againn anseo, we have worn out our welcome here. An té nach bhfuil ~ roimhe, he who is not welcome, wanted. (b)~ a bheith romhat rud a dhéanamh, to be welcome to do sth. Beir leat é agus ~, you are welcome to take it. Déanfad (é)agus ~, I will do it with pleasure. ‘Go raibh maith agat!’ ‘Tá ~ romhat!’ ‘Thank you!’ ‘You’re welcome!’ 3. Salutation. greeting. ~ an Aingil, the Angelus. ~ romhat, a ardríon, hail to thee, heavenly queen.
Tiocfaidh mé ~ fáilte, I’ll come and most willingly.
(Na) ~ fáilte, great welcome.
Fáilte roimh bhocht is nocht, everybody is welcome (regardless of circumstances).
Fáilte chaoin, tender greeting.
Bhí fáilte faoi mo chomhair, there was a welcome for me.
Fáilte ó chroí, hearty welcome.
Fáilte chroíúil, cordial welcome.
Fáilte an doichill, churlish welcome.
Fáilte dhoicheallach, churlish, cold, welcome.
3. Níl mé ~ na fáilte amuigh, I haven’t been away long enough to merit a welcome back.
Fáilte roimh an ~, it is a welcome acquisition.
Níl duine dá fhánaí nach mbeadh fáilte roimhe, any person who chanced to come would be welcome.
Fáilte a fhearadh roimh dhuine, to accord a welcome to s.o.
fáilte roimhe, he was heartily welcomed.
~ fáilte, hearty welcome.
~ fáilte, cainte, carthanachta, coldness of welcome, of speech, of friendship.
Fáilte gheal, joyous welcome.
B’olc an mhaise dom é gan fáilte a chur romhat, it would ill become me not to welcome you.
Cuireadh na ~tha fáilte romhainn, we were given an effusive welcome.
~ nach raibh fáilte romham, seeing that I was not welcome.
Fáilte romhat, you are welcome.
Fáilte ~, stirring welcome.
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