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Similar words: cuir thar · cuir thart · curtha · cluthar · cuartha
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Chuaigh sé, chuir sé é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Cuir do lámh ~ tharam, put your arm over me (from behind).
Cuir casóg ~ thar do shlinneáin, pull a coat over your shoulders.
Bád, capall, a chur thar a ~, to overload a boat, overburden a horse.
Ag cur thar ~, overflowing.
Ná cuir thú féin thar ~ leis, don’t overdo it.
Chuir tú thar mo choimhéad mé, you put me off my guard.
~ a chur thar an g~ eile, to cross one’s legs.
Níl mé in ann ~ a chur thar an g~ eile, I am completely exhausted.
Do cheann a chur amach (thar an doras), to put one’s head out (of the door).
Seál a chur tharat, to put a shawl over you.
~ do lámh tharam, put your arm round my shoulders.
Rud a chur thar bhalla, thar aill, to put, throw, sth. over a wall, a cliff.
Duine, rud, a chur thar abhainn, to put s.o., sth., across a river.
Chuir sé thar an líne é, he put it over the line.
Duine a chur thar a choimhéad, to put s.o. off his guard.
Airgead a chur tharat, to put money by.
An lá a chur tharat, to pass away the day.
Obair a chur tharat, to get through work.
Tá an pota ag cur thairis, thar maoil, the pot is spilling over.
Tá an abhainn ag cur thar bruach, the river is overflowing its banks.
Bhí an t-ualach ag cur thar barr, the load was spilling over.
Tá sí ag cur thairsti ó mhaidin, she has been letting off steam all day.
Chuir tú thar, trí, mo chuntas mé, you made me lose count.
~ thar maoil, overflow(ing).
Duine a chur thar a dhóigh, to upset s.o.
Do cheann a chur isteach ar, thar, an ~, to look in the door; to call at the house for a moment.
Duine a chur amach thar (an) ~, to put s.o. outside the door, out of the house.
Chuir sé é féin amach (thar) an ~ leis, he lost house and home over it.
Chuir sé an ~ thairis, he survived the crisis.
Duine a chur thar a fhulaingt, to overstrain s.o.
Chuir sé thar an n~ iad, it tided them over their difficulties.
Do ~ a chur thar dhuine, to put one’s arm round s.o.
Cuir thar an ~ é, put him over the jump.
Ag cur thar ~ le rud, brimming over, full to overflowing, with sth.
Tá an corcán ag cur thar ~, the pot is overflowing.
Bhí an tír ag cur thar ~ le cruithneacht, there was an overabundance of wheat in the country.
Ná cuir thú féin thar do ~ leis, don’t overstrain yourself with it.
Ná cuir thú féin thar do ~ leis, don’t overtax yourself with it.
Cuir ~ thar an abhainn iad, ferry them across the river.
Níl ~ aige le cur thairis, he hasn’t a stitch to wear.
Ná cuir thar a shnáithe é, don’t throw him out of his stride; don’t overtax him.
Ná cuir do shúil thar do chuid, don’t be greedy; don’t expect too much.
Má théann aige an oíche a chur thairis gheobhaidh sé aothú, if he can live out the night he will have passed the crisis.
Chuir sí na fillteacha ~ a chéile, she overlapped the folds.
Ná lig don choire cur thairis, don’t let the cauldron boil over.
Bhí sé ag cur thairis faoi ghleo na bpáistí, he was giving out about the noise of the children.
Chuir sí an tinneas thairsti, she got over her illness.
Chuir sé é féin ~ a acmhainn leis, he went beyond his resources with it.
Ná cuir thairis féin é, don’t drive him out of his wits.
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