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~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to cure s.o., restore s.o. to health.
Iasc a bhuíochan, to cure fish (by drying).
An t-uisce fuar a scallas an ~, a douche of cold water is a cure for sluggishness.
Ní leigheasfadh lia ná ~ é, he is beyond cure.
Nach leigheas ar chasacht é? Is it not a cure for a cough?
~ a leasú, to cure a hide.
Iasc, feoil, a leasú, to cure fish, meat.
Seithe, leathar, a leasú, to dress, cure, a hide, leather.
~ bagúin, éisc, bacon-, fish-, curing.
~ leidhbe, leathair, dressing, curing, of hide, of leather.
~ ar chasacht, ar thinneas cinn, a cure for a cough, for a headache.
Níl luibh ná ~ in aghaidh an bháis, there is no cure for death.
Aicíd, lot, a ~, to cure a disease, a wound.
Duine a ~ ar rud, to cure s.o. of sth.
Ní leigheasfadh ~ na bhFiann é, he is beyond cure.
Níl ~ ar an mbás (ach pósadh arís), there is no cure for death (but to marry again).
~ a dhéanamh, to make a charm-cure.
Im ~, unsalted butter used in charm-cure.
~ na péiste, ‘serpent’s knot’ (as part of charm to cure colic in cattle)
~ ag déanamh leighis, a layman practising cures.
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