Bhí ~ air as a chuid céille, he was esteemed for his good sense.
~ a bheith agat ar dhuine, to have an agreeable acquaintanceship with s.o., to know and esteem s.o.
Tá ~ oibrí air, he is esteemed as a workman.
~ mheas, onóir, held in esteem, in honour.
Bheith faoi ghradam (ag daoine), to be held in esteem (by people).
Duine ~, person of distinction, esteemed person.
Mhéadaigh ar an meas a bhí agam air, he rose in my esteem.
Tá ~ mór air, he is highly esteemed, well liked.
Tá sé ~ ag na daoine, he is esteemed by the people.
Tá ~ mhór dó, he is held in high esteem.