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Do bheannacht a fhágáil ag, a chur le, duine, to take one’s farewell of, to bid farewell to, s.o.
~, mo bheannacht, mo sheacht m~, leat, farewell; my blessings go with you.
Ceiliúradh de dhuine, to say farewell to s.o.
Slán a chur le duine, to bid farewell to s.o.
D’fhág sé slán ~ againn, he bid us a long farewell.
~ slán acu, say farewell to them.
Cionnas a ghnóthaigh sibh? How did you get on? (In farewell phrase)
Cheiliúir sé linn, he bade us farewell.
~ a chur le duine, to bid farewell to s.o. (going).
~ beo lenar imigh uainn, a fond farewell to all who are gone away from us.
~ agus beannacht (chuig, le), a farewell and a blessing (to).
~ go hAlbain uaim, I bid a fond farewell to Scotland.
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