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An gort a gcuirfidh sé an síol ann, the field in which he will sow the seed.
Cúig ~ Uisnigh, the five fields of Uisneach, the five fifths of Ireland.
~ sa pháirc, ar an loch, out in the field, on the lake.
Ag teacht ~ an pháirc, thar an abhainn, coming across the field, the river.
~ an pháirc, across, towards the far side of, the field.
An gort ar cuireadh an síol ann, the field in which the seed was sown.
Gort a ~adh, to reweed a field.
~ (goirt), headland (in field).
~ páirce, aonaigh, entrance to field, to fair.
~ de chathaoir, de ghort, corner, edge, of chair, of field.
~ catha, field of battle.
~ sneachta, snow-field, expanse of snow.
Is fearr suí ar an scáth ná suí ar an m~ folamh, a bad bush is better than the open field.
~ gorm, field scabious.
Níor fágadh fear ar ~, not a man was left on the field.
Gort branair, fallow field.
Rinne na ba ~ den ghort, den choirce, the cows trampled the field, the oats.
~ gorm, field scabious.
Lá, léana, an bhriste, the day, field, of battle.
Tá ~ maith féir ar an ngort sin, there is a good cut, crop, of hay in that field.
~ an ghasáin, field scabious.
Liathróid a cheapadh, to field a ball.
Páirc a thomhas ina ~eanna, to step a field.
~ a chur ar ghort, to fence a field.
~ féir ar ghort, covering, overgrowth, of grass on a field.
~ páirce, corner of field.
~ adhainte, astatach, coiscis, gluaiste, réimse, turrainge, ignition, astatic, impedance, moving, field, shocking-, coil.
~ fhearainn, headland, margin, of field.
~ coirce, prátaí, field of oats, of potatoes.
~ tí, páirce, sráide, corner of house, of field, of street.
Garraí, gort, a chur, to sow a garden, a field.
~ amach na ba sa pháirc, put the cows out into the field.
~eadh den pháirc é, he was put off the field.
Gort a dhaingniú, to secure, fence, a field.
Ag damhsa ar na bánta, frolicking in green fields.
Ar láthair, ar mhachaire, an dúshláin, on the scene, the field, of challenge, of battle.
Na fir a ~adh ar pháirc an áir, the men who were lost on the field of battle.
Níor fágadh fear ar ~, not a man was left on the field.
~ a chur ar ghort, to fence a field.
Is breá an ~ prátaí atá aige, he has a fine field of potatoes.
Bhí ~ na páirce againn, we had the fall of the field.
Dul (ar) ~ na páirce, to cut across the field.
~ coise, lighted sod carried to field.
Tá ~ maith ar an ngort sin, there is a good depth of soil in that field.
~ catha, field of battle.
~ machaire, oirbheartaíochta, traenála, field, tactical, training, exercise.
Gort ~, fallow field.
~adh trasna na páirce, to cut across the field.
~a i ngort, short drills in (corner of) field.
Páirc na giolcaí, the reed field.
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