fionn1, m. (gs. finn, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. White (colour); white animal. Go ~ na maidine, until the dawning light. S.a. cúl1 6. 2. Fair-haired person. 3. Alburnum, sap-wood. 4. (In phrases) Níl a fhios agam ó thalamh na (naoi) bh~ cárb as é, cér leis é, I don’t know where on earth he comes from, who on earth owns it.
fionn2, m. (gs. finn, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Cataract (on eye). ~ ar shúil, pearl on eye.
fionn3, a1. 1. White; bright, clear. 2. (Of hair, complexion) Fair. S.a. cuiseogach, lionn 1(b).
fionn4, v.t. & i. 1. Make white, whiten. 2. Clear, brighten. Tá an lá ag ~adh thoir, the day is breaking, brightening, in the east. 3. Scorch, singe; set alight.
fionn5, v.t. 1. Ascertain, discover. Rud a fhionnadh ar, ó, dhuine, to find out sth. about, from, s.o. Ná ~adh d’athair ort é, you had better not let your father find out about it. D’fhionnamar a n-ainmneacha uaidh, we got to know their names from him. ~aim an bhréag air, I can see that he is lying. Go bhfionna cách do dhúthracht, so that all may see whether you are in earnest. Jur: Ciste ~ta, treasure trove. 2. Contrive, invent.
fionn6 = feann.
~ na Bó Finne, the Milky Way.
Craiceann, fionnadh, a chaitheamh, to cast skin, coat.
Seacht mba fionna ina gcarcracha, seven white cows in their pens.
6. ~ fionn, gristly outer fat of steak.
~ ar Fhionn, a story about (the adventures of) Fionn.
~ fionn gléigeal, tall white-skinned person.
~ fionn, bán, fallow deer.
~ gruaige, scéimhe, fairness of hair, of complexion.
Bláth bán na ~, fair maiden.
Thug sí craobh na ~ léi, she was the fairest of women.
Ag dul chun ~, mellowing.
Ar fhinne an fhómhair, like ripening corn; straw-coloured.
Níor fágadh ~ ~ ann, nothing was left there.
Ní fiú ~ ~ é, it is worth nothing.
Bhí ~ air chugam, he was bristling at me.
Tá ~ fiáin air, he has a wild, haggard, appearance.
Chuir sé ~ na hoibre air féin, he gave himself a workmanlike appearance.
~ fionn na farraige, the white-crested waves of the sea.
1. ~ bhánéadanach, ~ (bheag) fhionn, white-fronted goose.
Fionnadh gearr ~, short grey (woolly) hair.
Ní mhaireann Fionn, Fionn is no more.
~ fionn, male of fallow deer.
Tháinig ~ na mionéan, na n-éan fionn, orthu, they fled in all directions.
Bhí ~ na finne ar a folt, she had beautiful blonde hair.
Dá mba ór an duille donn thíolacfadh Fionn é, if the autumn leaves were gold Fionn would bestow them.
~ fhionn, hare’s-tail, cotton-grass.
~ ar Fhionn, a story about (the adventures of) Fionn.
Fianna Fhinn; na Fianna, legendary warrior-bands of Fionn Mac Cumhaill.
Seacht gcatha na Féinne, the seven warrior battalions commanded by Fionn.
An ~ gréine, ‘the sunburst’, banner of ancient Fianna (of Fionn).
Ní mhaireann Fionn, Fionn is no more.
Dá mba ór an duille donn thíolacfadh Fionn é, if the autumn leaves were gold Fionn would bestow them.