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fixed could be a grammatical form of: fix »
Chuir siad ~ orm i gcomhair na hoíche, they fixed me up for the night.
Cheap sé aimsir chuige, he fixed a time for it.
Shuigh siad ~ agus comhartha don rás, they fixed a limit and a mark for the race.
Tairne ~, firmly-fixed nail.
Chuir sé ~ mhaith air féin, he fixed himself up well.
San ~ ina raibh siad, in the way they were fixed, in their plight.
Chuireamar ~ bail air, we fixed it ourselves.
Tá sé i bh~; tá suí forais air, it is firmly fixed, steady.
Ghreamaigh sé mé lena dhá shúil, he fixed me with his eyes.
Ní fheadar d’~, I don’t know how you are fixed.
Tá sé neadaithe ina cheann, it is firmly fixed in his mind.
Bord ~, steady, firmly-fixed, table.
1. ~ sheasta, fixed star.
Sháigh sé a shúile ionam, he fixed me with his eyes.
~ chloiche, ~ trá, fixed, shore-, net.
Pointe ~, fixed point.
~ crainn, ~ seoil, thwart in which mast is fixed.
~ bheilte, choirceogach, dhifreálach, eitreach, ghrádach, scaoilte, shuite, belt, cone, differential, grooved, step, loose, fixed, pulley.
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