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mixed could be a grammatical form of: mix »
Chuaigh na maidí rámha in ~ orthu, their oars got mixed up.
Tá mé i mo bhall séire acu, they have got me all mixed up.
Tá siad istigh, amuigh, thíos, thuas, trína chéile, they are within, without, below, above, mixed up.
Trí, trína, chéile, mixed-up, confused.
Tá sé ina chéir bheach agat, you have got it all mixed up.
Ná déan ~ den leanbh, don’t get the child all mixed up.
An chuain chumaisc sin, that mixed brood.
Ní fheadair sé inniu ó inné, he is all mixed-up, has no clear idea of anything.
Tá siad fite fuaite ina chéile, they are firmly interwoven, inextricably mixed up.
3. Ar ~ a chéile, ar ~ fad a chéile, ar ~ fad trína chéile, all mixed up, all confused.
~ a dhéanamh de rudaí; rudaí a chur i bh~, to get things all mixed up.
Measctha ~ fadar, all mixed up together.
~ measctha, mixed metaphor.
Ná ~ thú féin ann, don’t get yourself mixed up with it.
Comhluadar, pósadh, ~tha, mixed company, marriage.
~ measctha, mixed marriage.
~ bhuachaillí is chailíní, ~ mheasctha, mixed school.
Tá an cás ag dul chun siobarnaí air, he is getting the case all mixed up.
~ chéile, ~na chéile, mixed-up, confused.
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