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could be a grammatical form of: mór » · ó »
1, a3. 1 = iomaí2 2. 2. (Used interrogatively) An ~? How many? An ~ focal ann? How many words are there in it? An ~ uair a chonaic tú iad? How many times did you see them?
2 : mór3.
An t-amadán is mó idir ~ is uisce, the greatest fool on earth.
Ní hé is mó atá ar m’~, that is not what concerns me most.
Ní mó ná go bhfuil an ~ inti, she is at her last gasp.
Is mó do bhéal ná do bholg, you bite off more than you can chew.
Ní mó a cháil ná a bhuille, he lives up to his reputation.
An té is mó gníomh is é is lú ~, great deeds go unthanked.
An bhuíon is mó, the majority, the dead.
Ní mó liom é ná ~ faoi m’fhiacail, I regard it merely as a petty annoyance.
Tá níos mó ná an ~ ann, it exceeds the correct amount.
An rud is mó a chuaigh i g~ orm, what influenced me most.
Is é an chloch is mó, is lú, ar a phaidrín é, it is his greatest, his least, concern.
An té is mó ~ , the person of highest reputation.
Is mó an chreach ná an chabhair iad, they are more of a hindrance than a help.
Ní mó ná go raibh sé cruinnithe i mbroinn, he had hardly taken shape in the womb.
An chuid is mó, the greater, greatest, part.
Ar an g~ is mó de, for the most part.
~ is mó, is lú, ná, greater, lesser, amount than.
Ní mó ná go bhfuil an ~ ann, he is barely alive.
An chuid is mó den ~, the highest in red.
An ball, an meall, is mó ar ~, last but not least.
An té is mó ~, the most knowledgeable person.
Is é an ~ is mó agam é, it is my chief asset.
Is mó a ghéim ná é féin, his bark is worse than his bite.
Is é an teach seo againne is mó a ghnáthaigh siad, they frequented our house most.
An ~ is mó a rug riamh orm, the greatest predicament I was ever in.
Ná tar do m’~ níos mó, don’t come near me any more.
Níor ~ sé níos mó air, he didn’t refer to it any more.
Tá ~ níos mó ná an ceart ann, it is just over the right amount.
Ní ~faidh mé ort níos mó leis, I will not press you any further with it.
Tá an ~ is mó agatsa, you have the bigger portion.
Is mó an t-olc ná an mhaith é, it does more harm than good.
Is mó do mhála ná do sholáthar, you are not earning your keep.
Tá sé níos mó ná a athair, he is bigger than his father.
An seomra is mó spás, the most spacious room.
Is tú is mó saothrú againn, you are the biggest earner among us.
Nuair is mó an greann, when the fun is at its height.
An chúis is mó atá leis, the principal reason for it.
Is é an locht ~, is mó, atá agam orthu (go), the chief fault I find with them is (that).
Ní mó leis ann ná as iad, he doesn’t care whether they are alive or dead.
Ní mó ná (go), hardly.
Ní mó ná go bhfuil a fhios agam, I hardly know.
Ní mó ná sásta a bhí sé, he was not very pleased.
Is mó is ~ liom é, I think it is rather big.
Is mó is giorra liom é, I think it is too short.
Ní mó (ná), neither.
Ní mó ná sin is féidir glacadh leis (go), no more than that can it be accepted (that).
Ní mó rachadsa, neither will I go.
Níos mó, any more.
Ná déan sin níos mó, don’t do that any more.
~ caisleáin, castle moat.
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