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Ag ~, freezing hard.
Tá fearthainn, sneachta, sioc, air, it is going to rain, snow, freeze.
Tá do lámha ~te, your hands are frozen.
Ná ~ thú féin, don’t freeze yourself.
Chonálfadh sé na corra, ‘It would freeze the herons’, it is bitterly cold.
Fearthainn, sioc, sneachta, toirneach, a dhéanamh, to rain, freeze, snow, thunder.
~ leatháin, mheilte, shioctha, shnoite, shreangaithe, sheet, ground, frozen, cut-, wired, glass.
Bhainfeadh sé an ghraidhp díot, it would freeze the nose off you.
Tá ~ oighir ar an linn, the pool is frozen over.
~ théachta, frozen sea; vast amount.
Ag cur seaca, freezing.
Tá sé ag ~, it is freezing.
Rud a shioc, to freeze sth.
An mhuir ag ~adh, the sea freezing.
Tá sé ag sioc go ~, it is freezing hard.
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