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Torthaí, sméara, a bhaint, to pick fruit, berries.
Bhí toradh ~ air, it bore fruit a hundredfold, was exceedingly fruitful.
~ síorghlas, toraidh, evergreen, fruit-, tree.
~ toraidh, core of fruit.
~ torthaí, fruit fly.
Toradh ~, sound fruit.
Bláthanna, toradh, ~, fresh flowers, fruit.
~ toraidh, pulp of fruit.
Toradh ~, abundant fruit.
Toradh leasaithe, preserved fruit.
~ toraidh, spoiling of fruit.
~ na talún, the fruits of the earth.
Torthaí ag meathlú, fruit decaying.
Toradh ~, mellow fruit.
Bíonn ~ ar an aithne, forbidden fruit is tempting.
2. ~ (na talún), first-fruits (of the earth).
~ na sméar, fruit-destroying pooka, herald of winter.
~ a dtorthaí, the abundance of their fruit.
~ toraidh, fruit-sugar, laevulose.
Bláthanna, toradh, a ~eadh, to pluck flowers, fruit.
Tiocfaidh toradh ar a chuid oibre, his work will bear fruit.
Toradh ~the, forbidden fruit.
~ crainn, fruit of tree.
Tá ~ ar a chuid oibre, his work has borne fruit.
~ na haithne, the forbidden fruit.
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