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Bhí ~ mhór air, a large sum was taken up in offerings at his funeral.
Ar cheann na sochraide, at the head of the funeral procession.
Bean chaointe, keening woman (at wake, funeral).
~ tionóil, sochraide, head of gathering, of funeral procession.
Fuair sé dea-lá chun na ~e, he had good weather for his funeral.
~ caointe, funeral rites, games.
~ shochraide, funeral-party.
~ na marbh, (funeral) hearse.
~ bodhar, headless coach, ghostly funeral hearse.
Ar dheireadh na sochraide, taking up the rear of the funeral procession.
~adh a chluiche caointe, his funeral rites were held.
~ bhainise, sochraide, wedding, funeral, march.
Chuaigh mé ann ar ~ shochraide, I went there to attend to funeral matters.
~ a thógáil (os cionn duine), to collect offerings (at s.o.’s funeral).
~ adhlactha, funeral oration.
Sheas an tsochraid ag an droichead, the funeral procession stopped at the bridge.
Dul i ~, ar shochraid, duine, to attend s.o.’s funeral.
Bhí mé ar a shochraid, I was at his funeral.
Socruithe sochraide, funeral arrangements.
Dul ar aonach, ar shochraid, ar scoil, to go to a fair, to a funeral, to school.
Bhí ~ mór leis, (i) there was a large number of people to see him off, (ii) there was a large attendance at his funeral.
Bhí ~ mór leis, he had a large funeral.
Chuaigh mé trí choiscéim na ~ leis, I accompanied his funeral procession for a short distance.
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