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Dul ar ~, to guess.
Thug mé ~ dó, I made a guess at it.
Thug mé ~ aithne dó, I guessed his identity.
~ faoi thuairim, random stroke, guess.
~ a thomhais ort! Guess!
~ tomhais, guess.
Caith do chrann tomhais, have a guess.
A chrann tomhais a bhaint de dhuine, to forestall s.o. in his guess, in his opinion.
Ní chuirfeá amach choíche é, you would never guess it.
~ dubh, guessing game with hands placed behind back;
Thomhais sé go ~ an lá é, he guessed it to the very day.
~ lárapóg, name of children’s guessing game.
~ cé atá anseo, guess who is here.
Ní thomhaisfeá cé mé féin, you’d never guess who I am.
Thomhais tú é, you’ve guessed it, you are quite right.
Thug mé ~ aithne dó, I guessed his identity.
Níl tú ach ag caitheamh ~í, you are only guessing.
Ní thuairimeoinn choíche é, I’d never guess it.
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