Chuir siad an trealamh le ~, they hauled in the gear.
~ mór feamainne, great haul of seaweed.
~ éisc, mhóna, little haul or heap of fish, of turf.
~ an téad chugat is uait, haul on the rope and slacken it (as suits).
Tá ~ breá leat, you have a fine haul (of goods) there.
Seol, scód, a ~adh, to haul in a sail, a sheet.
An bád a shaothrú isteach ar an trá, to haul the boat on to the strand.
~ a chur, a thógáil, to shoot, to haul, a trawl-line.
Is fada an ~ é, it is a long haul.
Coinnigh an bád i ~ na gaoithe, keep the boat close-hauled.
Ualach a tharlú, to haul a load.
Bád a tharlú, to haul, warp, a boat.
Is fada an ~ é, it is a long haul.
Cábla a theannadh, to haul a cable taut.